Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 03/02/2013
  • Size: 44.66 MB


  • WP niche blogs
  • Wordpress


    • Niche
    • Marketing & Promotion
      • Hobbies & Free Time
        • Scrapbooking

      Scrap Booking WordPress Niche Blog

      Price: 14.90

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        • ScrapbookingBlogv11
          • Documentation - BE SURE TO READ!
            • images
              • more-coming-soon.jpg
              • plrblogs-101-110.jpg
              • signup.jpg
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              • wso-31-40.jpg
              • wso-41-50.jpg
              • wso-51-60.jpg
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              • Droid_Sans_700.font.js
              • cufon-yui.js
              • pngfix.js
            • READ-ME-FIRST-101-110.txt
            • documentation.html
            • style.css
          • Login Details For The Blogs
            • LOGIN INFO FOR PLR BLOGS 101-110.txt
          • PSDs and Images
            • Banners - GIMP friendly PSDs
              • 125x125-banner.psd
              • 300x250-banner.psd
              • 468x60-banner.psd
            • Banners - Photoshop PSDs
              • 125x125-banner.psd
              • 300x250-banner.psd
              • 468x60-banner.psd
            • screenshot.png
            • screenshot.psd
          • Scrapbooking-Blog-Plus-Articles
            • 20 Scrapbooking Blog PLR
            • importbuddy.php
          • Stand Alone Theme and Plugins
            • Plugins To Include
            • Stand Alone Theme
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                    • woo-icon.png
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                        • tweetmeme.js
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                      • dialog.php
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                      • preview-shortcode-external.php
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                    • jquery.autocomplete.js
                    • jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js
                    • nicEdit.js
                    • php.js
                    • pngfix.js
                    • shortcodes.js
                    • tumblog-ajax.js
                    • ui.datepicker.js
                    • woo-medialibrary-uploader.js
                    • woo-scripts.js
                    • woo-typography-preview.js
                  • admin-custom-nav.php
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                  • admin-express-functions-deprecated.php
                  • admin-express-functions.php
                  • admin-framework-settings.php
                  • admin-functions.php
                  • admin-hooks.php
                  • admin-init.php
                  • admin-interface.php
                  • admin-medialibrary-uploader.php
                  • admin-sbm.php
                  • admin-seo.php
                  • admin-setup.php
                  • admin-shortcode-generator.php
                  • admin-shortcodes.php
                  • admin-style.css
                  • admin-theme-page.php
                  • admin-tumblog-quickpress.php
                  • functions-changelog.txt
                  • thumb.php
                • images
                  • 1-star.png
                  • 2-stars.png
                  • 3-stars.png
                  • 4-stars.png
                  • 5-stars.png
                  • banner-date-left.png
                  • banner-date-right.png
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                • includes
                  • js
                    • Liberation.font.js
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                    • jquery.easing.min.js
                    • loopedSlider.js
                    • menu.js
                    • pngfix.js
                    • superfish.js
                    • woo_tabs.js
                  • class-custom-theme-updater.php
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                  • featured.php
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                • js
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                  • jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js
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                  • nivo.js
                • lang
                  • headlines.po
                • styles
                  • berry
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                  • blueline
                    • bg-top.jpg
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                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • cottoncandy
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • countryside
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • fruitella
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • greenline
                    • bg-top.jpg
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                    • bg-top.jpg
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                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • orangina
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • pomegranate
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • purple
                  • This folder is empty
                  • purplehaze
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redhotchilipepper
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redrock
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redslate
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • salsa
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • skylight
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • springtime
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • tequilasun
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • berry.css
                  • blueberry.css
                  • blueline.css
                  • chocoberry.css
                  • cottoncandy.css
                  • countryside.css
                  • default.css
                  • fruitella.css
                  • greenline.css
                  • greyorange.css
                  • orangeline.css
                  • orangina.css
                  • pomegranate.css
                  • purplehaze.css
                  • redhotchilipepper.css
                  • redrock.css
                  • redslate.css
                  • salsa.css
                  • skylight.css
                  • springtime.css
                  • tequilasun.css
                • 404.php
                • archive.php
                • changelog.txt
                • comments-legacy.php
                • comments.php
                • custom.css
                • footer-blog.php
                • footer-custom.php
                • footer-no-footer.php
                • footer.php
                • functions.php
                • header-no-header.php
                • header.php
                • index.php
                • page.php
                • sales-page-no-header.php
                • screenshot.png
                • search-form.php
                • search.php
                • sidebar-top-column.php
                • sidebar.php
                • single-review.php
                • single.php
                • style.css
                • template-archives.php
                • template-contact.php
                • template-fullwidth.php
                • template-imagegallery.php
                • template-redirect.php
                • template-sitemap.php
                • thumb.php
            • Theme And Plugin Info.txt
          • wptwin-Scrapbooking_Fu-2013-01-22-101658.wpt
      Additional pages: Documentation

      Scrap Booking WordPress Niche Blog

      Dive into the creative world of scrapbooking with our ready-to-use WordPress blog. This beautifully designed and optimized blog is tailored for enthusiasts and entrepreneurs looking to share their passion or start a profitable venture in the scrapbooking niche.

      Our Scrap Booking WordPress Niche Blog offers:

      • A professionally designed layout
      • Pre-installed content focused on scrapbooking
      • Easy customization options
      • SEO-friendly structure
      • Premium plugin for quick installation

      With this blog, you can tap into the vast world of scrapbooking products and techniques. Whether you're a hobbyist or a business owner, this niche offers numerous opportunities to engage with a dedicated audience and potentially generate income.

      Installation is a breeze with our included premium plugin. Simply upload the blog package to your web host and follow the three-step installation process. You'll have your scrapbooking blog up and running in less than five minutes, without the need for complex WordPress setups or coding knowledge.

      To make your blog stand out, we recommend personalizing the content. Add your unique insights, expand on the provided information, and tailor it to your specific audience. This approach will help differentiate your blog from others using similar content.

      This product comes with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to use and modify the blog for your personal projects. Start sharing your scrapbooking passion or building your online presence in this creative niche today!


      • [YES] Can be used for personal use
      • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
      • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
      • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
      • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
      • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
      • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
      • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
      • [NO] Can be used to build a list
      • [NO] Can print/publish offline
      • [NO] Can be given away for free
      • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
      • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
      • [NO] Can be sold

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