19 Ways you can use PLR products in your own business
There are many ways you can use private label rights products in your business for profit and perhaps you already have your own plan. However, if you don’t, we have some ideas that you can put into practice that will increase your bottom line.
Here at IDPLR we have many different product licenses. Each one gives you certain rights as to what you can and cannot do with the product. Check the Product Terms page to learn about different licensing rights of products on our site.
Each product details page lists the licensing rights for the product so be sure to check these rights before downloading and using the product.
One thing to keep in mind. On the internet, they say “content is king”. This is true with one caveat. We would change that to say “good content is king – crap content is bad“.
Some PLR is great, some not so much, but either way, it’s usually a good idea to rebrand the PLR as your own. This means editing its content, adding your name as the author, changing the title and creating new graphics.
Yes it’s more work, but the work is worth the effort.
The first reason to do this is that since PLR is used by thousands of marketers around the world, you want it to be unique to you. If you don’t rebrand it, it will be the same old stuff seen in many other places and you’ll be competing against all the other marketers trying to promote it as well.
Secondly, the internet is exploding with tons of new content every single day! If you want to make an impression, you must stand out in the crowd and your content must be exceptional! How do you do that? By developing your own style.
Ideally, if people can read a paragraph or two and know who the author is, you’ve done a good job at standing out. Heck, we know a popular internet marketer that writes in a “gangsta” style, just to get noticed. We’re not saying do that, but you get the picture.
So the bottom line is, depending on how you want to use the product or products, consider rebranding them for your business is usually the way to go.
Not sure where to start? Here are 19 ideas for using our PLR products to start making money
01. Give away PLR to build your list
Use PLR products as your lead magnet, your freebie you give away to others in exchange for their email address.
You can give it away one time, in its entirety, but even better is to break each chapter into its own ecourse and give that way 1 chapter at a time – 1 chapter per day with a link to each chapter in your daily emails to your new subscribers.
In this way, you’ll be getting your email subscribers in the habit of opening their emails every day to get the link to that day’s lesson. This will increase your open rates in the future.
02. Use PLR as content on your blog
Post the PLR content as one long posting, or even better, using the same strategy as above, break each chapter down into their own separate blog posts. The results here are the same as the example above.
Your readers will get into the habit of going to your blog to read your latest chapter, which should help your traffic and engagements.
You may have heard through other internet marketing channels that duplicate content is bad, that Google doesn’t want it, and that it will badly affect your rankings. Although this was the case in the past, it’s not anymore, at least as of this writing. (Google’s algorithm changes all the time and we cannot predict the future).
We know from our own experience that Google wants good content for users and that is their #1 priority – even if it’s repeated over multiple channels. How do we this? Because we publish duplicate content using some of the tactics we describe here and it all gets ranked highly.
So don’t be afraid to use this PLR content in multiple places. In reality, doing this is a very good strategy – being everywhere all the time. This is how you get your name and business known.
03. Use PLR on your Youtube channel
If you run a Youtube channel, PLR content is a great source of content to increase viewers and engagement.
04. Use it to create a PLR eStore
As a part of your overall blog, create a separate tab for an ecommerce store and sell the products there.
05. Use as content for a PLR membership site
Recurring income is a great thing. You could create a membership website and give PLR to your members on the site.
06. Sell PLR products on social media sites
You can build up your social media presence on Facebook, Twitter Instagram, etc. and promote the products there. We’re not saying spam your links on others’ social media pages. This would be bad! Rather, build up your own pages and promote products there.
07. Use PLR to create a newsletter
A newsletter, either free or paid subscription, is a great way to use PLR products.
08. Use PLR as bonuses to increase conversion
PLR products can be used as bonuses on your own product launches as a way to add value to the product.
You can also use them as bonuses on other marketer’s launches. Just contact other people that are preparing for a launch and ask for a bonus spot on their launch. Many will say no but some will say yes.
Then, create an optin form where the other marketer will direct their buyers to download your product for free. This, in turn, will build your email list of proven buyers – people that are known to pull out their credit cards.
This is an incredibly effective strategy. If you go this route however, your PLR must be unique and rebranded to your business and the content must be excellent! Otherwise, your reputation will suffer and you’ll never get anyone to say yes to your offer again.
09. Use PLR in joint ventures
A lot of marketers are looking for partners for various projects. Find them on Facebook groups, or go to the Warrior Forum where there is a separate thread specifically for joint ventures. As it the case with the previous bonus spot example, doing a joint venture requires your content to be unique to your business and an excellent value!
10. Use PLR to beat the competition
If you’re promoting the same product launch as other marketers, you can use PLR products as an incentive to get people to purchase through your link instead of another marketer’s link.
In your promotions, simply ask the purchaser to email your a copy of their order or their order number and you send them their bonus product.
The best way to use this method is to build your buyers list in the process. Send them to an optin form specifically designed for this purpose, telling them you must have their email address so you can email them the link to their product.
They give you their email address, they get added to your list, you send them their product link and market to them over time!
11. Do your own launch
Use PLR as your front end and back end products on your own product launch and get other affiliates to promote by listing them on affiliate networks such as Warrior PLus, Clickbank and/or JVZoo.
If you do this, your product absolutely MUST, without a shadow of a doubt, BE UNIQUE and be an excellent value.
We must make this clear. There are lots of product launches that offer, shall we say, bad, useless products. While the people doing these launches might may good money, this kind of business is not sustainable. Pretty soon they will have a reputation for crappy products and no one will buy them.
You must edit and rebrand the content and make it great! Your reputation and entire business is at stake!
Building your business using this tactic is an excellent way to build a good income because as your product line grows, your affiliates will increase and you’ll get to the point where you’re making money on autopilot.
12. Use PLR in podcasts
Create a podcast and use the content as part of your podcast show.
13. Convert digital to create physical PLR products
Use digital PLR products to create a course on CD’s or DVD’s and sell them.
Although mail order courses were popular many years ago, we find that people still like that physical thing in their hands. It makes it seem more real and has a higher perceived value, which means you can charge more.
Yes you’ll need to ship them to customers, but you’ll charge extra for that as well.
14. Create a PLR website and flip it
You can populate a website with content from PLR products, drive traffic to the site, and once you have sufficient traffic, flip the site (sell it) for profit. Sites such as Flippa.com exist specifically for this purpose, but you can also market it on social media platforms or The Warrior Forum.
15. Use PLR to build backlinks and get a free traffic
Use PLR content as content on other people’s blogs by guest posting, or submit it to article directories and other free content sites. This strategy will drive traffic back to your site and also give you backlinks to help with your SEO which, in turn, helps you rank on the search engines.
16. Use PLR to publish your own book
Self publishing is much easier today that ever before. Many people still like reading physical books and many marketers know this and have published physical books very successfully. In addition, Amazon’s Kindle platform lets you publish digitally and sell on Amazon – a built in audience on a website that gets massive traffic.
17. Use PLR to run your own webinar
Use PLR content as the value part of a webinar, then sell your own product at at the end – which could be another rebranded PLR product. Webinars usually profit the most when selling higher ticket products at the end – preferably $200 and over. If your end product is a multi-part course delivered in modules, or even a higher value product, it could do well.
18. Translate PLR to different language and sell
Translate the content into other languages then sell to other countries. This is an untapped market that most people don’t pursue. However, traffic in many countries can be had for cheap on advertising platforms, which means more money in your pocket.
19. Use PLR for yourself
HLast but certainly not least, use the content yourself to learn more and apply it to your own business.