Request PLR Products
Found any MRR/PLR product that is not listed on our site? Just let us know. We want to make sure you can get any digital product you can dream of.
So if you’ve got a certain kind of product in mind and you can’t find it in our catalogue of 12,590 PLR products, we’ll get it for you through one of two methods:
If you’ve found a digital product on the Internet that isn’t offered in IDPLR’s catalogue, send us the link and we’ll purchase the product and its PLR rights. Then we’ll make it available to you in our catalogue for free.
We’ll have our team of professional product developers create it for you. As soon as it’s “hot off the press” we’ll add it to our catalogue and you’ll have access to it for free.
New product ideas will be placed in queue on our product creation schedule. You will get the product once it is completed as part of the regular membership.