Make money by giving away our FREE membership access!
You’ll receive $0.01 for every new free member you refer. Plus, earn a 50% commission when your referrals upgrade to a Gold membership!
Our affiliate offer is run through Clickbank, one of the largest, most reliable affiliate networks in the world.
To start, you must have a Clickbank account so if you don’t have one, you can sign up here:
Once you sign up, you’ll receive 50% commission for every Gold membership you refer to us. This is paid directly by Clickbank every 2 weeks.
You’ll also get your own affiliate link that’s unique to you. This is the link you’ll be promoting that will give you credit for each sale. Your link will look like this:
You would have to replace xxxxx with your username on ClickBank. You get your username when you sign up.
(Clickbank will also encrypt your link so it won’t look like the above. You can use either Clickbank’s encrypted link or the one above. Both will work.)