Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 12/03/2014
  • Size: 10.38 MB


  • Themes
  • WP themes
  • Templates & Themes
    • Wordpress


      Compack Multipurpose Wordpress Theme

      Price: 14.90

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      • /
        • CompackWPTheme_pdev
          • Documentation
            • assets
              • css
                • img
                  • info.png
                  • warning.png
                • documenter_style.css
              • images
                • image_1.png
                • image_2.png
                • image_3.png
                • image_4.png
                • image_5.png
                • image_6.png
                • image_7.png
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                • image_21.png
                • image_22.png
                • image_23.png
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                • image_25.png
                • image_26.png
                • image_27.png
                • image_28.png
                • image_29.png
                • image_30.png
                • image_31.png
                • image_32.png
                • image_33.png
                • image_34.png
                • image_35.png
                • image_36.png
                • image_37.png
                • image_38.png
                • image_39.png
                • image_40.png
                • image_41.png
                • image_42.png
                • image_43.png
                • image_44.png
                • image_45.png
                • image_46.png
                • image_47.png
                • image_48.png
                • image_49.png
                • image_50.png
                • image_51.png
                • image_52.png
                • image_53.png
                • image_54.png
                • image_55.png
                • image_56.png
                • image_57.png
                • image_58.png
                • image_59.png
                • image_60.png
              • js
                • google-code-prettify
                  • prettify.css
                  • prettify.js
                • jquery.easing.js
                • jquery.js
                • jquery.scrollTo.js
                • script.js
            • index.html
          • Theme
            • compack
              • admin
                • blocks
                  • accordion.php
                  • blog.php
                  • client.php
                  • column.php
                  • contact.php
                  • countdown.php
                  • featured.php
                  • gallery.php
                  • map.php
                  • optin.php
                  • portfolio.php
                  • pricing.php
                  • product.php
                  • quote.php
                  • separator.php
                  • service.php
                  • tabs.php
                  • testimonial.php
                  • text.php
                • css
                  • admin-style.css
                  • black-tinymce.css
                  • jquery.colorpicker.css
                  • jquery.ibutton.css
                  • jquery.slider.css
                  • jquery.slider.plastic.css
                  • jquery.slider.round.css
                  • jquery.slider.round.plastic.css
                • images
                  • help
                    • bottombar.png
                    • browse.png
                    • footer-widget.png
                    • header.png
                    • menu.png
                    • quote-form.png
                    • quote.png
                    • topbar.png
                    • tutorial-upload-image.png
                  • setting
                    • site-box-style.png
                    • site-frame-style.png
                    • site-full-width.png
                    • site-rounded-style.png
                  • ASC.gif
                  • AlphaBar.png
                  • Bars.png
                  • DESC.gif
                  • Thumbs.db
                  • admin.png
                  • ajax-loader.gif
                  • bar-opacity.png
                  • black.png
                  • blank.gif
                  • broadcast.png
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                  • client.png
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                  • colorpicker_rgb_r.png
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                  • custom_hsb_h.png
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                  • custom_rgb_b.png
                  • custom_rgb_g.png
                  • custom_rgb_r.png
                  • custom_submit.png
                  • delete.png
                  • event.png
                  • help.gif
                  • home.png
                  • ibutton-slider-default.png
                  • icon-benefit.png
                  • icon-featured.png
                  • icon-lightbox.gif
                  • icon-portofolio.png
                  • jslider.plastic.png
                  • jslider.png
                  • jslider.round - Copy.png
                  • jslider.round.plastic.png
                  • jslider.round.png
                  • map.png
                  • notif-attention.png
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                  • preview-opacity.png
                  • rangearrows.gif
                  • reload.gif
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                  • select2.png
                  • slider-layout.png
                  • slider.png
                  • slideshow.png
                  • sprites.png
                  • switch.gif
                  • testimonial.png
                  • theme-setting-header.png
                  • tracking.png
                  • warning.png
                  • yes.png
                • js
                  • black-tinymce.js
                  • eye.js
                  • jquery.colorpicker.js
                  • jquery.dependClass.js
                  • jquery.googlefont.js
                  • jquery.ibutton.js
                  • jquery.js
                  • jquery.noty.js
                  • jquery.noty.layout.topRight.js
                  • jquery.noty.theme.default.js
                  • jquery.slider.js
                  • jquerycookie.js
                  • layout.js
                  • script.php
                  • utils.js
                • layout
                  • front.php
                  • layout.php
                  • metabox.php
                  • setting.php
                  • taxonomy.php
                  • widget.php
                • libs
                  • builder.php
                  • contact.php
                  • content.php
                  • export-import.php
                  • index.php
                  • installation.php
                  • layout.php
                  • setting.php
                  • taxonomy.php
                  • user.php
                • ajax.php
                • builder.php
                • content.php
                • index.php
                • init.php
                • layout.php
                • metabox.php
                • post.php
                • setting.php
                • taxonomy.php
                • user.php
                • validate.php
                • widgets.php
              • css
                • color
                  • black.css
                  • blue.css
                  • dark-blue.css
                  • green.css
                  • orange.css
                  • red.css
                • responsive
                  • 240.css
                  • 320.css
                  • 480.css
                  • 768.css
                  • 1024.css
                  • imports.css
                • camera.css
                • compress-css.php
                • content.css.php
                • css-reseter.css
                • custom-jquery-ui.css
                • gumby.css
                • header.css.php
                • ie-hack.css
                • imports.css
                • jquery-ui.css
                • jquery.county.css
                • jquery.superfish.css
                • maintenance.css
                • post-comment.css
                • style.css
                • text.css
                • webkit.css
              • dummy
                • content-default.xml_.txt
                • setting-default.xml
              • fonts
                • aller_lt-webfont.eot
                • aller_lt-webfont.svg
                • aller_lt-webfont.ttf
                • aller_lt-webfont.woff
                • aller_ltit-webfont.eot
                • aller_ltit-webfont.svg
                • aller_ltit-webfont.ttf
                • aller_ltit-webfont.woff
                • aller_rg-webfont.eot
                • aller_rg-webfont.svg
                • aller_rg-webfont.ttf
                • aller_rg-webfont.woff
                • allerdisplay-webfont.eot
                • allerdisplay-webfont.svg
                • allerdisplay-webfont.ttf
                • allerdisplay-webfont.woff
              • functions
                • comment.php
                • css-js.php
                • map-marker.php
                • menu.php
                • menu_text.php
                • shortcode.js
                • shortcode.php
                • shortcode.png
              • images
                • color
                  • black.png
                  • blue.png
                  • dark-blue.png
                  • green.png
                  • orange.png
                  • red.png
                • flickr
                  • 1.jpg
                  • 2.jpg
                  • 3.jpg
                • pattern
                  • bg.png
                  • brown-1.jpg
                  • brown-2.jpg
                  • brown-3.jpg
                  • brown-4.jpg
                  • brown-5.jpg
                  • brown-6.jpg
                  • brown-7.jpg
                  • default.png
                  • ornament-1.png
                  • ornament-2.gif
                  • ornament-3.gif
                  • pattern.png
                  • wood.png
                • blank-300x210.jpg
                • blank-376x345.jpg
                • blank-400x328.jpg
                • blank-435x285.jpg
                • blank-700x300.jpg
                • body-bg.png
                • camera-loader.gif
                • camera_skins.png
                • checklist.png
                • feat-bg.png
                • fs.pager.png
                • fs.prevnext.png
                • fs.spinner.gif
                • loading-progress.png
                • pattern.png
                • pattern2.png
                • sprite.png
                • ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png
                • ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png
                • ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png
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                • ui-bg_glass_100_f6f6f6_1x400.png
                • ui-bg_glass_100_fdf5ce_1x400.png
                • ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png
                • ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_ffe45c_1x100.png
                • ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png
                • ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png
                • ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
                • ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png
                • ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png
                • ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
              • js
                • libs
                  • camera.min.js
                  • gumby.min.js
                  • jquery-1.10.2.min.js
                  • jquery.county.js
                  • jquery.easing.1.3.js
                  • jquery.flexslider-min.js
                  • jquery.slicebox.js
                  • jquery.superfish.js
                  • modernizr-2.0.6.min.js
                  • owl.carousel.min.js
                  • photobox.min.js
                • trigger
                  • trigger.carousel.js
                  • trigger.lightbox.js
                  • trigger.slice.js
                • load-scripts-general.php
                • load-scripts-maintenance.php
                • load-scripts-slider-2.php
                • load-scripts-slider-3.php
                • load-scripts-top.php
                • load-scripts.php
                • main.js
                • plugins.js
              • library
                • OAuth.php
                • aq_resizer.php
                • cacert.pem
                • captcha.php
                • default.png
                • paypal.php
                • twitter_auth.php
              • plugins
                • color-changer
                  • black.png
                  • blue.png
                  • color.png
                  • green.png
                  • grey.png
                  • index.php
                  • orange.png
                  • pink.png
                  • red.png
                  • style.css
                • breadcrumbs.php
                • flickr.php
                • limit-post.php
                • parsers.php
                • related-post.php
                • twitter.php
                • wordpress-importer.php
              • process
                • comment.php
                • ipn.log
                • maintenance.php
              • view
                • slider
                  • slider-1.php
                  • slider-2.php
                  • slider-3.php
                • section-social.php
                • section-title.php
              • widgets
                • widget-accordion.php
                • widget-comment.php
                • widget-contact.php
                • widget-example.php
                • widget-flickr.php
                • widget-gallery.php
                • widget-marketing.php
                • widget-optin.php
                • widget-popular.php
                • widget-post.php
                • widget-product.php
                • widget-profile.php
                • widget-qrcode.php
                • widget-search.php
                • widget-social.php
                • widget-tabs.php
                • widget-testimonial.php
                • widget-touch.php
                • widget-tweet.php
                • widget-video.php
              • 404.php
              • archive.php
              • category.php
              • comments.php
              • footer.php
              • functions.php
              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page-blog-fullwidth.php
              • page-blog.php
              • page-contact.php
              • page-fullwidth.php
              • page-gallery-fourcol.php
              • page-gallery-onecol.php
              • page-gallery-threecol.php
              • page-gallery-twocol.php
              • page-portfolio-fourcol.php
              • page-portfolio-onecol.php
              • page-portfolio-threecol.php
              • page-portfolio-twocol.php
              • page.php
              • screenshot.png
              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single-service.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
          • eCovers
            • eCover.jpg
            • eCover450.jpg
          • demo.png
          • desktop.ini
      See Documentation of this product.

      Compack Multipurpose WordPress Theme: Your Solution for Professional Websites

      Are you spending too much time creating professional-looking sites for yourself or your clients? The Compack Multipurpose WordPress Theme is here to simplify your web design process.

      Building a powerful and professional website can be challenging, especially if you don't have the right tools. Compack is designed to make this process easier for both tech-savvy individuals and those new to web design.

      This versatile business theme helps you build virtually any type of website to meet your specific needs. Whether you're an offline business owner, affiliate marketer, or product creator, Compack offers the flexibility and features you need.

      Key features of the Compack Multipurpose WordPress Theme include:

      • User-friendly interface for easy customization
      • Responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices
      • Multiple pre-designed layouts for quick setup
      • Compatibility with popular WordPress plugins
      • Regular updates and customer support

      With Compack, you can create your dream website without extensive technical knowledge. Save time and effort while achieving professional results.

      Please note that this product comes with Personal Use Rights. This license allows you to use the Compack Multipurpose WordPress Theme for your personal projects or websites.


      • [YES] Can be used for personal use
      • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
      • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
      • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
      • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
      • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
      • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
      • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
      • [NO] Can be used to build a list
      • [NO] Can print/publish offline
      • [NO] Can be given away for free
      • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
      • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
      • [NO] Can be sold

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