Product info

  • License: Private Label Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR, PLR
  • Released: 10/02/2013
  • Size: 6.84 MB


  • Templates
  • Templates & Themes


    Responsive Magazine Style Template #5

    Price: 14.90

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    • /
      • RespMagStyleTemp5
        • Template 2
          • MagazineStyle02BBlogger
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
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              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
              • template_preview.png
              • template_thumbnail.png
            • main.xml
          • MagazineStyle02BDotNetNuke
            • App_LocalResources
              • page.ascx.resx
            • Menu
              • Menu-menudef.xml
              • Menu.xsl
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
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              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
            • Article.ascx
            • Article.jpg
            • Block.ascx
            • Block.jpg
            • Edit.ascx
            • MagazineStyle02BDotNetNuke.dnn
            • edit.css
            • page.ascx
            • page.doctype.xml
            • page.jpg
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • skin.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
          • MagazineStyle02BDrupal
            • MagazineStyle02BDrupal
              • images
                • SorterAscActive.png
                • SorterAscPassive.png
                • SorterDescActive.png
                • SorterDescPassive.png
                • addicon.png
                • blockbullets.png
                • blockheadericon.png
                • footerbullets.png
                • footerfacebookicon.png
                • footerrssicon.png
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                • postediticon.png
                • postemailicon.png
                • postpdficon.png
                • postprinticon.png
                • postquote.png
                • preloader-01.gif
                • screenshot6.png
                • screenshot7.png
                • searchicon.png
                • spacer.gif
              • templates
                • comment-wrapper.tpl.php
                • html.tpl.php
              • ReadMe.txt
              • block--banner1.tpl.php
              • block--banner2.tpl.php
              • block--banner3.tpl.php
              • block--banner4.tpl.php
              • block--banner5.tpl.php
              • block--banner6.tpl.php
              • block--content.tpl.php
              • block--copyright.tpl.php
              • block--extra1.tpl.php
              • block--extra2.tpl.php
              • block--navigation.tpl.php
              • block--user1.tpl.php
              • block--user2.tpl.php
              • block--user3.tpl.php
              • block--user4.tpl.php
              • block--vnavigation_left.tpl.php
              • block--vnavigation_right.tpl.php
              • block.tpl.php
              • comment.tpl.php
              • common_methods.php
              • drupal7_theme_methods.php
              • editor.css
              • jquery.js
              • maintenance-page.tpl.php
              • node-og-group-post.tpl
              • node.tpl.php
              • page.tpl.php
              • screenshot.png
              • script.js
              • script.responsive.js
              • style.css
              • style.ie7.css
              • style.responsive.css
              • template.php
          • MagazineStyle02BHTML
            • Blog Posts
              • post-2.html
              • post.html
            • home
              • new-page-2.html
              • new-page-3.html
              • new-page.html
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
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              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • shutterstock_11189998-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_11189998.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737.jpg
              • shutterstock_32050237-large.png
              • shutterstock_32050237.png
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3.jpg
              • spacer.gif
              • template_preview.png
            • blog.html
            • home.html
            • index.html
            • jquery.js
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • style.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
          • MagazineStyle02BJoomla
            • css
              • custom.css
              • editor.css
              • print.css
              • template.css
              • template.ie7.css
              • template.responsive.css
            • html
              • com_content
                • archive
                  • default.php
                  • default_items.php
                  • index.html
                • article
                  • default.php
                  • index.html
                • category
                  • blog.php
                  • blog_item.php
                  • index.html
                • featured
                  • default.php
                  • default_item.php
                  • index.html
                • index.html
              • mod_menu
                • default.php
                • default_component.php
                • default_separator.php
                • default_url.php
                • index.html
              • mod_search
                • default.php
                • index.html
              • mod_syndicate
                • default.php
                • index.html
              • index.html
              • modules.php
              • pagination.php
            • images
              • system
                • edit.png
                • edit_unpublished.png
                • emailButton.png
                • pdf_button.png
                • printButton.png
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
              • postauthoricon.png
              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
            • language
              • en-GB
                • en-GB.tpl_magazinestyle02bjoomla.ini
            • library
              • Artx
                • Content
                  • ArchivedArticle.php
                  • ArticleBase.php
                  • CategoryArticle.php
                  • FeaturedArticle.php
                  • Item.php
                  • ListItem.php
                  • SingleArticle.php
                • Log
                  • ErrorLogWriter.php
                  • Formatter.php
                • Content.php
                • Log.php
                • Page.php
              • Artx.php
            • ReadMe.txt
            • component.php
            • functions.php
            • index.html
            • index.php
            • jquery.js
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • templateDetails.xml
            • template_preview.png
            • template_thumbnail.png
          • MagazineStyle02BWP
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
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              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
            • languages
              • de_DE.po
              • es_ES.po
              • fr_FR.po
              • it_IT.po
              • ru_RU.po
            • library
              • admins.php
              • defaults.php
              • misc.php
              • navigation.php
              • options.php
              • shortcodes.php
              • sidebars.php
              • smiley.php
              • widgets.php
              • wrappers.php
            • 404.php
            • ReadMe.txt
            • archive.php
            • attachment.php
            • comments.php
            • content-aside.php
            • content-attachment.php
            • content-gallery.php
            • content-page.php
            • content-search.php
            • content-single.php
            • content.php
            • footer.php
            • functions.php
            • header.php
            • home.php
            • html5.js
            • index.php
            • jquery.js
            • page.php
            • screenshot.png
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • search.php
            • searchform.php
            • sidebar-bottom.php
            • sidebar-footer.php
            • sidebar-header.php
            • sidebar-nav.php
            • sidebar-secondary.php
            • sidebar-top.php
            • sidebar.php
            • single.php
            • style.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
          • MagazineStyle02Blogger
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
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              • page.png
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              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
              • template_preview.png
              • template_thumbnail.png
            • main.xml
          • MagazineStyle02DotNetNuke
            • App_LocalResources
              • page.ascx.resx
            • Menu
              • Menu-menudef.xml
              • Menu.xsl
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
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              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
            • Article.ascx
            • Article.jpg
            • Block.ascx
            • Block.jpg
            • Edit.ascx
            • MagazineStyle02DotNetNuke.dnn
            • edit.css
            • page.ascx
            • page.doctype.xml
            • page.jpg
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • skin.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
          • MagazineStyle02Drupal
            • MagazineStyle02Drupal
              • images
                • SorterAscActive.png
                • SorterAscPassive.png
                • SorterDescActive.png
                • SorterDescPassive.png
                • addicon.png
                • blockbullets.png
                • blockheadericon.png
                • footerbullets.png
                • footerfacebookicon.png
                • footerrssicon.png
                • footertwittericon.png
                • header.jpg
                • menuseparator.png
                • no-avatar.jpg
                • page.png
                • postauthoricon.png
                • postbullets.png
                • postdateicon.png
                • postediticon.png
                • postemailicon.png
                • postpdficon.png
                • postprinticon.png
                • postquote.png
                • preloader-01.gif
                • screenshot6.png
                • screenshot7.png
                • searchicon.png
                • spacer.gif
              • templates
                • comment-wrapper.tpl.php
                • html.tpl.php
              • ReadMe.txt
              • block--banner1.tpl.php
              • block--banner2.tpl.php
              • block--banner3.tpl.php
              • block--banner4.tpl.php
              • block--banner5.tpl.php
              • block--banner6.tpl.php
              • block--content.tpl.php
              • block--copyright.tpl.php
              • block--extra1.tpl.php
              • block--extra2.tpl.php
              • block--navigation.tpl.php
              • block--user1.tpl.php
              • block--user2.tpl.php
              • block--user3.tpl.php
              • block--user4.tpl.php
              • block--vnavigation_left.tpl.php
              • block--vnavigation_right.tpl.php
              • block.tpl.php
              • comment.tpl.php
              • common_methods.php
              • drupal7_theme_methods.php
              • editor.css
              • jquery.js
              • maintenance-page.tpl.php
              • node-og-group-post.tpl
              • node.tpl.php
              • page.tpl.php
              • screenshot.png
              • script.js
              • script.responsive.js
              • style.css
              • style.ie7.css
              • style.responsive.css
              • template.php
          • MagazineStyle02HTML
            • Blog Posts
              • post-2.html
              • post.html
            • home
              • new-page-2.html
              • new-page-3.html
              • new-page.html
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
              • postauthoricon.png
              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • shutterstock_11189998-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_11189998.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737.jpg
              • shutterstock_32050237-large.png
              • shutterstock_32050237.png
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3.jpg
              • spacer.gif
              • template_preview.png
            • blog.html
            • home.html
            • index.html
            • jquery.js
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • style.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
          • MagazineStyle02Joomla
            • css
              • custom.css
              • editor.css
              • print.css
              • template.css
              • template.ie7.css
              • template.responsive.css
            • html
              • com_content
                • archive
                  • default.php
                  • default_items.php
                  • index.html
                • article
                  • default.php
                  • index.html
                • category
                  • blog.php
                  • blog_item.php
                  • index.html
                • featured
                  • default.php
                  • default_item.php
                  • index.html
                • index.html
              • mod_menu
                • default.php
                • default_component.php
                • default_separator.php
                • default_url.php
                • index.html
              • mod_search
                • default.php
                • index.html
              • mod_syndicate
                • default.php
                • index.html
              • index.html
              • modules.php
              • pagination.php
            • images
              • system
                • edit.png
                • edit_unpublished.png
                • emailButton.png
                • pdf_button.png
                • printButton.png
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
              • postauthoricon.png
              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • spacer.gif
            • language
              • en-GB
                • en-GB.tpl_magazinestyle02joomla.ini
            • library
              • Artx
                • Content
                  • ArchivedArticle.php
                  • ArticleBase.php
                  • CategoryArticle.php
                  • FeaturedArticle.php
                  • Item.php
                  • ListItem.php
                  • SingleArticle.php
                • Log
                  • ErrorLogWriter.php
                  • Formatter.php
                • Content.php
                • Log.php
                • Page.php
              • Artx.php
            • ReadMe.txt
            • component.php
            • functions.php
            • index.html
            • index.php
            • jquery.js
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • templateDetails.xml
            • template_preview.png
            • template_thumbnail.png
          • MagazineStyle02WP
            • Blog Posts
              • post-2.html
              • post.html
            • home
              • new-page-2.html
              • new-page-3.html
              • new-page.html
            • images
              • SorterAscActive.png
              • SorterAscPassive.png
              • SorterDescActive.png
              • SorterDescPassive.png
              • blockbullets.png
              • blockheadericon.png
              • footerbullets.png
              • footerfacebookicon.png
              • footerrssicon.png
              • footertwittericon.png
              • header.jpg
              • menuseparator.png
              • no-avatar.jpg
              • page.png
              • postauthoricon.png
              • postbullets.png
              • postdateicon.png
              • postediticon.png
              • postemailicon.png
              • postpdficon.png
              • postprinticon.png
              • postquote.png
              • preloader-01.gif
              • searchicon.png
              • shutterstock_11189998-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_11189998.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_15290737.jpg
              • shutterstock_32050237-large.png
              • shutterstock_32050237.png
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3-large.jpg
              • shutterstock_62287657-01-3.jpg
              • spacer.gif
              • template_preview.png
            • blog.html
            • home.html
            • index.html
            • jquery.js
            • script.js
            • script.responsive.js
            • style.css
            • style.ie7.css
            • style.responsive.css
        • Template 2 Screenshots
          • magazine-style-02-350.jpg
          • magazine-style-02-KindleFire.jpg
          • magazine-style-02-iPad.jpg
          • magazine-style-02-iPhone5.jpg
          • magazine-style-02.jpg
          • magazine-style-02B-KindleFire.jpg
          • magazine-style-02B-iPad.jpg
          • magazine-style-02B-iPhone5.jpg
          • magazine-style-02B.jpg
        • Thumbs Template 2
          • magazine-style-02-KindleFire.png
          • magazine-style-02-iPad.png
          • magazine-style-02-iPhone5.png
          • magazine-style-02.png
          • magazine-style-02B-KindleFire.png
          • magazine-style-02B-iPad.png
          • magazine-style-02B-iPhone5.png
          • magazine-style-02B.png
    See MagazineStyle02BHTML of this product. Additional pages: Blog, Home
    See MagazineStyle02HTML of this product. Additional pages: Blog, Home
    See MagazineStyle02WP of this product. Additional pages: Blog, Home
    Additional pages: New page 2, New page 3, New page
    Additional pages: Post 2, Post
    Additional pages: New page 2, New page 3, New page
    Additional pages: Post 2, Post
    Additional pages: New page 2, New page 3, New page
    Additional pages: Post 2, Post

    Responsive Magazine Style Template #5

    Elevate your online presence with our versatile Responsive Magazine Style Template #5. This comprehensive template set offers a sleek, modern design that adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring an optimal viewing experience for your audience across all devices.

    Our template package includes:

    • Two distinct layouts for added flexibility
    • Templates compatible with HTML, Blogger, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Dot Net Nuke
    • 100% responsive design for mobile-friendly browsing
    • Easy-to-customize structure to match your brand

    Whether you're running a news site, lifestyle blog, or online magazine, this template set provides the perfect foundation to showcase your content in style. Its responsive nature ensures that your website looks great and functions flawlessly on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers alike.

    Transform your online presence today with the Responsive Magazine Style Template #5. This product comes with Private Label Rights, allowing you to modify and use the templates for your personal or client projects without attribution.


    • [YES] Can be sold
    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
    • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [YES] Can modify/change the main product
    • [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [YES] Can be used to build a list
    • [YES] Can print/publish offline
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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    *You can close your account at any time!