Product info

  • License: Private Label Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR, PLR
  • Released: 22/02/2010
  • Size: 16.00 MB


  • WP
  • Minisites


Flawless Reflection WP Minisite

Price: 9.90

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    • FlawlessReflectionWPMinisite
      • Flawless Reflection WP Minisite
        • Brave Minisite Plugin
          • braveminisite
            • author.gif
            • braveminisite.gif
            • editor_plugin.js
            • footer.gif
            • fullsalespage.gif
            • headline1.gif
            • headline2.gif
            • lucasmce.php
            • order.gif
            • ps.gif
            • section.gif
            • signature.gif
            • star.gif
            • testimonial.gif
            • videobox.gif
          • tinymce-advanced
            • css
              • tadv-mce.css
              • tadv-styles.css
            • images
              • NextGEN.gif
              • abbr.gif
              • acronym.gif
              • advhr.gif
              • anchor.gif
              • attribs.gif
              • backcolor.gif
              • blockquote.gif
              • bold.gif
              • bullist.gif
              • charmap.gif
              • cite.gif
              • cleanup.gif
              • code.gif
              • copy.gif
              • cut.gif
              • del.gif
              • embeddedvideo.gif
              • emotions.gif
              • fade-butt.png
              • fontselect.gif
              • fontsizeselect.gif
              • forecolor.gif
              • formatselect.gif
              • fullscreen.gif
              • g2image.gif
              • googlevideo.gif
              • iespell.gif
              • image.gif
              • indent.gif
              • ins.gif
              • insertdate.gif
              • insertfile.gif
              • insertimage.gif
              • inserttime.gif
              • italic.gif
              • justifycenter.gif
              • justifyfull.gif
              • justifyleft.gif
              • justifyright.gif
              • layer.gif
              • link.gif
              • media.gif
              • more_bug.gif
              • nonbreaking.gif
              • numlist.gif
              • outdent.gif
              • page_bug.gif
              • paste.gif
              • pastetext.gif
              • pasteword.gif
              • print.gif
              • ps_imagemanager_tinymceplugin.gif
              • redo.gif
              • removeformat.gif
              • replace.gif
              • search.gif
              • separator.gif
              • spacer.gif
              • spellchecker.gif
              • strikethrough.gif
              • styleprops.gif
              • styleselect.gif
              • sub.gif
              • sup.gif
              • tablecontrols.gif
              • underline.gif
              • underline_es.gif
              • undo.gif
              • unlink.gif
              • vipersvideoquicktags.gif
              • visualaid.gif
              • visualchars.gif
              • wp_adv.gif
              • wp_help.gif
              • wp_more.gif
              • wp_page.gif
            • js
              • tadv.js
              • tadv_replace.js
            • mce
              • advhr
                • css
                  • advhr.css
                • js
                  • rule.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • rule.htm
              • advimage
                • css
                  • advimage.css
                • img
                  • sample.gif
                • js
                  • image.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • image.htm
              • advlink
                • css
                  • advlink.css
                • js
                  • advlink.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • link.htm
              • contextmenu
                • editor_plugin.js
              • emotions
                • editor_plugin.js
                • emotions.htm
              • iespell
                • editor_plugin.js
              • insertdatetime
                • editor_plugin.js
              • layer
                • editor_plugin.js
              • nonbreaking
                • editor_plugin.js
              • print
                • editor_plugin.js
              • searchreplace
                • css
                  • searchreplace.css
                • js
                  • searchreplace.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • searchreplace.htm
              • style
                • css
                  • props.css
                • js
                  • props.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • props.htm
              • table
                • css
                  • cell.css
                  • row.css
                  • table.css
                • js
                  • cell.js
                  • merge_cells.js
                  • row.js
                  • table.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • cell.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • merge_cells.htm
                • row.htm
                • table.htm
              • visualchars
                • editor_plugin.js
              • xhtmlxtras
                • css
                  • attributes.css
                  • popup.css
                  • xhtmlxtras.css
                • js
                  • abbr.js
                  • acronym.js
                  • attributes.js
                  • cite.js
                  • del.js
                  • element_common.js
                  • ins.js
                • langs
                  • de_dlg.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                  • es_dlg.js
                  • fr_dlg.js
                  • it_dlg.js
                  • ja_dlg.js
                  • langs.php
                  • pt_dlg.js
                  • ru_dlg.js
                  • zh_dlg.js
                • abbr.htm
                • acronym.htm
                • attributes.htm
                • cite.htm
                • del.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • ins.htm
            • utils
              • editable_selects.js
              • form_utils.js
              • mctabs.js
              • validate.js
            • Read me.pdf
            • screenshot-1.png
            • tadv_admin.php
            • tadv_defaults.php
            • tiny_mce_popup.js
            • tinymce-advanced.php
          • ui.css
        • HTML
          • images
            • fr_02.jpg
            • fr_09.jpg
            • fr_12.jpg
            • fr_15.jpg
            • fr_17.jpg
            • fr_19.jpg
            • fr_21.jpg
            • fr_24.jpg
            • fr_26.jpg
            • fr_29.jpg
            • fr_33.jpg
            • fr_35.jpg
            • header.jpg
            • headline.jpg
          • index.html
          • style.css
        • PDF Instructions
          • Instructions.pdf
        • PSD Files
          • Flawless Reflection Design.psd
        • Resell Rights
          • License
            • Transferable PLR License.pdf
          • PSD Files
            • Ecover.psd
            • Resell Sales Page.psd
          • Website
            • images
              • ecover.jpg
              • full.jpg
              • fullsize.jpg
              • hrr_02.jpg
              • hrr_04.jpg
              • hrr_06.jpg
              • hrr_08.jpg
              • hrr_09.jpg
              • hrr_12.jpg
              • hrr_15.jpg
              • hrr_17.jpg
              • hrr_20.jpg
              • hrr_24.jpg
              • hrr_27.jpg
            • index.html
        • Video Trainings
          • Note.txt
          • Start.html
        • Wordpress Theme
          • flawlessreflection
            • images
              • fr_02.jpg
              • fr_09.jpg
              • fr_12.jpg
              • fr_15.jpg
              • fr_17.jpg
              • fr_19.jpg
              • fr_21.jpg
              • fr_24.jpg
              • fr_26.jpg
              • fr_29.jpg
              • fr_33.jpg
              • fr_35.jpg
              • header.jpg
              • headline.jpg
            • 404.php
            • archive.php
            • archives.php
            • comments-popup.php
            • comments.php
            • footer.php
            • functions.php
            • header.php
            • image.php
            • index.php
            • links.php
            • page.php
            • rtl.css
            • screenshot.png
            • search.php
            • sidebar.php
            • single.php
            • style.css
            • style 1.css
      • Read me.pdf
See HTML of this product.
See Website of this product.
Additional pages: Start
Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
Additional pages: Props
Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
Additional pages: Searchreplace
Additional pages: Emotions
Additional pages: Link
Additional pages: Image
Additional pages: Rule

Introducing the Flawless Reflection WP Minisite - a unique and edgy WordPress template designed to create high-impact sales pages with cutting-edge graphics. This fully integrated WordPress template offers versatility and effectiveness for various online marketing needs.

The Flawless Reflection template can be used for:

  • Product Sales Pages: Showcase your own products or PLR items with a fresh, professional look
  • Affiliate Marketing: Create eye-catching PPC landing pages or product review pages
  • Email List Building: Design attractive opt-in pages to grow your subscriber base
  • CPA Marketing: Develop high-converting landing pages for CPA offers

With its flexible design and easy customization options, the Flawless Reflection WP Minisite template adapts to various marketing strategies, helping you create compelling web pages that drive conversions and boost your online presence.

This product comes with Private Label Rights, allowing you to modify and use the template for your own projects or your clients' needs. Make the most of this versatile WordPress minisite to enhance your digital marketing efforts.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can modify/change the main product
  • [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites

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