Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 12/06/2008
  • Size: 1.91 MB


  • Builders


Auto-Blog Builder

Price: 2.90

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    • AutoBlogBuilder
      • Product
        • abb-encrypted
          • css
            • style.css
          • images
            • bg1.gif
            • bg2.gif
            • cor1.gif
            • cor2.gif
          • includes
            • config.php
          • newadmin
            • Keywords
            • This folder is empty
            • cache
            • This folder is empty
            • css
              • style.css
              • style1.css
            • editor
              • images
                • ed_align_center.gif
                • ed_align_left.gif
                • ed_align_right.gif
                • ed_color_bg.gif
                • ed_color_fg.gif
                • ed_format_bold.gif
                • ed_format_italic.gif
                • ed_format_underline.gif
                • ed_hr.gif
                • ed_html.gif
                • ed_image.gif
                • ed_indent_less.gif
                • ed_indent_more.gif
                • ed_link.gif
                • ed_list_bullet.gif
                • ed_list_num.gif
              • popups
                • insert_image.htm
                • insert_image.html
                • select_color.html
              • editor.js
            • images
              • bullet1.gif
              • cor3.gif
              • cor4.gif
              • greybg.gif
              • login.gif
              • title.gif
              • wait.gif
            • img
              • logo.gif
              • pixel.gif
              • sel.gif
              • tcolorp.gif
            • includes
              • DynamicOptionList.js
              • config.php
              • selectbox.js
            • install
              • codelock.php
              • create_db.php
              • done_db.php
              • footer_install.php
              • header_install.php
              • index.php
              • install.php
            • library
              • PEAR
                • DB
                  • DB
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • common.php
                    • dbase.php
                    • fbsql.php
                    • ibase.php
                    • ifx.php
                    • msql.php
                    • mssql.php
                    • mysql.php
                    • mysqli.php
                    • oci8.php
                    • odbc.php
                    • pgsql.php
                    • sqlite.php
                    • storage.php
                    • sybase.php
                  • doc
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • tests
                    • driver
                      • 01connect.phpt
                      • 02fetch.phpt
                      • 03simplequery.phpt
                      • 04numcols.phpt
                      • 05sequences.phpt
                      • 06prepexec.phpt
                      • 08affectedrows.phpt
                      • 09numrows.phpt
                      • 10errormap.phpt
                      • 11transactions.phpt
                      • 13limit.phpt
                      • 14fetchmode_object.phpt
                      • 15quote.phpt
                      • 16tableinfo.phpt
                      • 17query.phpt
                      • 18get.phpt
                      • WS_FTP.LOG
                      • bug22328.phpt
                      • run.cvs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • db_error.phpt
                    • db_error2.phpt
                    • db_factory.phpt
                    • db_ismanip.phpt
                    • db_parsedsn.phpt
                    • run.cvs
                  • DB.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • OS
                  • Guess.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • PEAR
                  • Command
                    • Auth.php
                    • Build.php
                    • Common.php
                    • Config.php
                    • Install.php
                    • Mirror.php
                    • Package.php
                    • Registry.php
                    • Remote.php
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • Frontend
                    • CLI.php
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • Autoloader.php
                  • Builder.php
                  • Command.php
                  • Common.php
                  • Config.php
                  • Dependency.php
                  • Downloader.php
                  • ErrorStack.php
                  • Installer.php
                  • Packager.php
                  • Registry.php
                  • Remote.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • scripts
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • pear.bat
                  • pearcmd.php
                • PEAR.php
                • System.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
                • package.dtd
                • template.spec
              • RF
                • DBObject.class.php
                • Feed.class.php
                • FeedSelect.class.php
                • FeedStats.class.php
                • Item.class.php
                • ItemSelect.class.php
                • Page.class.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
                • install.functions.php
              • Smarty
                • demo
                  • configs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • test.conf
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • footer.tpl
                    • header.tpl
                    • index.tpl
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • index.php
                • libs
                  • core
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php
                    • core.assign_smarty_interface.php
                    • core.create_dir_structure.php
                    • core.display_debug_console.php
                    • core.get_include_path.php
                    • core.get_microtime.php
                    • core.get_php_resource.php
                    • core.is_secure.php
                    • core.is_trusted.php
                    • core.load_plugins.php
                    • core.load_resource_plugin.php
                    • core.process_cached_inserts.php
                    • core.process_compiled_include.php
                    • core.read_cache_file.php
                    • core.rm_auto.php
                    • core.rmdir.php
                    • core.run_insert_handler.php
                    • core.smarty_include_php.php
                    • core.write_cache_file.php
                    • core.write_compiled_include.php
                    • core.write_compiled_resource.php
                    • core.write_file.php
                  • plugins
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • block.textformat.php
                    • compiler.assign.php
                    • function.assign_debug_info.php
                    • function.config_load.php
                    • function.counter.php
                    • function.cycle.php
                    • function.debug.php
                    • function.eval.php
                    • function.fetch.php
                    • function.html_checkboxes.php
                    • function.html_image.php
                    • function.html_options.php
                    • function.html_radios.php
                    • function.html_select_date.php
                    • function.html_select_time.php
                    • function.html_table.php
                    • function.mailto.php
                    • function.math.php
                    • function.popup.php
                    • function.popup_init.php
                    • modifier.capitalize.php
                    • modifier.count_characters.php
                    • modifier.count_paragraphs.php
                    • modifier.count_sentences.php
                    • modifier.count_words.php
                    • modifier.date_format.php
                    • modifier.debug_print_var.php
                    • modifier.default.php
                    • modifier.escape.php
                    • modifier.indent.php
                    • modifier.lower.php
                    • modifier.nl2br.php
                    • modifier.regex_replace.php
                    • modifier.replace.php
                    • modifier.spacify.php
                    • modifier.string_format.php
                    • modifier.strip.php
                    • modifier.strip_tags.php
                    • modifier.truncate.php
                    • modifier.upper.php
                    • modifier.wordwrap.php
                    • outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php
                    • shared.escape_special_chars.php
                    • shared.make_timestamp.php
                  • Config_File.class.php
                  • Smarty.class.php
                  • Smarty_Compiler.class.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • debug.tpl
                • misc
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • smarty_icon.README
                  • smarty_icon.gif
                • unit_test
                  • configs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • globals_double_quotes.conf
                    • globals_single_quotes.conf
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • assign_obj.tpl
                    • assign_var.tpl
                    • constant.tpl
                    • index.tpl
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • config.php
                  • smarty_unit_test.php
                  • smarty_unit_test_gui.php
                  • test_cases.php
                • COPYING.lib
                • WS_FTP.LOG
              • magpierss
                • extlib
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • htdocs
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • cookbook.html
                  • index.html
                • scripts
                  • smarty_plugin
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • modifier.rss_date_parse.php
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • simple.smarty
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • magpie_debug.php
                  • magpie_simple.php
                  • magpie_slashbox.php
                  • simple_smarty.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
            • add_ads.php
            • add_bottomads.php
            • add_category.php
            • add_keyword.php
            • changepass.php
            • changetitle.php
            • codelock.php
            • config.php
            • cron_getXMLcontent.php
            • default_config.php
            • default_config1.php
            • done.php
            • edit_categ_order.php
            • edit_category.php
            • edit_category1.php
            • edit_keyword.php
            • frameset.php
            • function.php
            • getXML.php
            • getXMLContent_frame.php
            • getXMLLinks_frame.php
            • getXML_content.php
            • grojsus.php
            • index.php
            • init.php
            • left.php
            • list_links.php
            • logout.php
            • parse.php
            • picker.html
            • picker.js
            • plain.php
            • please_wait.php
            • please_wait1.php
            • readfile.php
            • restore.php
            • session.php
            • show_keywords.php
            • show_result.php
            • site_color.php
            • top.php
            • topad.php
            • uploadKeyword.php
            • util.php
          • codelock.php
          • default_config.php
          • footer.php
          • grojsus.php
          • header.php
          • index.php
          • monthdays.php
          • read_more.php
          • show_bydate.php
          • show_details.php
        • abb_source
          • css
            • style.css
          • help
            • images
              • addcategory.gif
              • admin_main.gif
              • btmad.gif
              • editcategory.gif
              • feedlist.gif
              • header.gif
              • installation_01.gif
              • instl_succ.gif
              • login_scrn.gif
              • parsexml.gif
              • screen_01.gif
              • screen_02.gif
              • screen_03.gif
              • topbanner.gif
              • user_main.gif
              • xmlcontent.gif
            • index.htm
          • images
            • bg1.gif
            • bg2.gif
            • cor1.gif
            • cor2.gif
          • includes
            • config.php
          • newadmin
            • Keywords
            • This folder is empty
            • cache
            • This folder is empty
            • css
              • style.css
              • style1.css
            • editor
              • images
                • ed_align_center.gif
                • ed_align_left.gif
                • ed_align_right.gif
                • ed_color_bg.gif
                • ed_color_fg.gif
                • ed_format_bold.gif
                • ed_format_italic.gif
                • ed_format_underline.gif
                • ed_hr.gif
                • ed_html.gif
                • ed_image.gif
                • ed_indent_less.gif
                • ed_indent_more.gif
                • ed_link.gif
                • ed_list_bullet.gif
                • ed_list_num.gif
              • popups
                • insert_image.htm
                • insert_image.html
                • select_color.html
              • editor.js
            • images
              • bullet1.gif
              • cor3.gif
              • cor4.gif
              • greybg.gif
              • login.gif
              • title.gif
              • wait.gif
            • img
              • logo.gif
              • pixel.gif
              • sel.gif
              • tcolorp.gif
            • includes
              • DynamicOptionList.js
              • config.php
              • selectbox.js
            • install
              • create_db.php
              • done_db.php
              • footer_install.php
              • header_install.php
              • index.php
              • install.php
            • library
              • PEAR
                • DB
                  • DB
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • common.php
                    • dbase.php
                    • fbsql.php
                    • ibase.php
                    • ifx.php
                    • msql.php
                    • mssql.php
                    • mysql.php
                    • mysqli.php
                    • oci8.php
                    • odbc.php
                    • pgsql.php
                    • sqlite.php
                    • storage.php
                    • sybase.php
                  • doc
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • tests
                    • driver
                      • 01connect.phpt
                      • 02fetch.phpt
                      • 03simplequery.phpt
                      • 04numcols.phpt
                      • 05sequences.phpt
                      • 06prepexec.phpt
                      • 08affectedrows.phpt
                      • 09numrows.phpt
                      • 10errormap.phpt
                      • 11transactions.phpt
                      • 13limit.phpt
                      • 14fetchmode_object.phpt
                      • 15quote.phpt
                      • 16tableinfo.phpt
                      • 17query.phpt
                      • 18get.phpt
                      • WS_FTP.LOG
                      • bug22328.phpt
                      • run.cvs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • db_error.phpt
                    • db_error2.phpt
                    • db_factory.phpt
                    • db_ismanip.phpt
                    • db_parsedsn.phpt
                    • run.cvs
                  • DB.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • OS
                  • Guess.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • PEAR
                  • Command
                    • Auth.php
                    • Build.php
                    • Common.php
                    • Config.php
                    • Install.php
                    • Mirror.php
                    • Package.php
                    • Registry.php
                    • Remote.php
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • Frontend
                    • CLI.php
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • Autoloader.php
                  • Builder.php
                  • Command.php
                  • Common.php
                  • Config.php
                  • Dependency.php
                  • Downloader.php
                  • ErrorStack.php
                  • Installer.php
                  • Packager.php
                  • Registry.php
                  • Remote.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • scripts
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • pear.bat
                  • pearcmd.php
                • PEAR.php
                • System.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
                • package.dtd
                • template.spec
              • RF
                • DBObject.class.php
                • Feed.class.php
                • FeedSelect.class.php
                • FeedStats.class.php
                • Item.class.php
                • ItemSelect.class.php
                • Page.class.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
                • install.functions.php
              • Smarty
                • demo
                  • configs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • test.conf
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • footer.tpl
                    • header.tpl
                    • index.tpl
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • index.php
                • libs
                  • core
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php
                    • core.assign_smarty_interface.php
                    • core.create_dir_structure.php
                    • core.display_debug_console.php
                    • core.get_include_path.php
                    • core.get_microtime.php
                    • core.get_php_resource.php
                    • core.is_secure.php
                    • core.is_trusted.php
                    • core.load_plugins.php
                    • core.load_resource_plugin.php
                    • core.process_cached_inserts.php
                    • core.process_compiled_include.php
                    • core.read_cache_file.php
                    • core.rm_auto.php
                    • core.rmdir.php
                    • core.run_insert_handler.php
                    • core.smarty_include_php.php
                    • core.write_cache_file.php
                    • core.write_compiled_include.php
                    • core.write_compiled_resource.php
                    • core.write_file.php
                  • plugins
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • block.textformat.php
                    • compiler.assign.php
                    • function.assign_debug_info.php
                    • function.config_load.php
                    • function.counter.php
                    • function.cycle.php
                    • function.debug.php
                    • function.eval.php
                    • function.fetch.php
                    • function.html_checkboxes.php
                    • function.html_image.php
                    • function.html_options.php
                    • function.html_radios.php
                    • function.html_select_date.php
                    • function.html_select_time.php
                    • function.html_table.php
                    • function.mailto.php
                    • function.math.php
                    • function.popup.php
                    • function.popup_init.php
                    • modifier.capitalize.php
                    • modifier.count_characters.php
                    • modifier.count_paragraphs.php
                    • modifier.count_sentences.php
                    • modifier.count_words.php
                    • modifier.date_format.php
                    • modifier.debug_print_var.php
                    • modifier.default.php
                    • modifier.escape.php
                    • modifier.indent.php
                    • modifier.lower.php
                    • modifier.nl2br.php
                    • modifier.regex_replace.php
                    • modifier.replace.php
                    • modifier.spacify.php
                    • modifier.string_format.php
                    • modifier.strip.php
                    • modifier.strip_tags.php
                    • modifier.truncate.php
                    • modifier.upper.php
                    • modifier.wordwrap.php
                    • outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php
                    • shared.escape_special_chars.php
                    • shared.make_timestamp.php
                  • Config_File.class.php
                  • Smarty.class.php
                  • Smarty_Compiler.class.php
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • debug.tpl
                • misc
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • smarty_icon.README
                  • smarty_icon.gif
                • unit_test
                  • configs
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • globals_double_quotes.conf
                    • globals_single_quotes.conf
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • assign_obj.tpl
                    • assign_var.tpl
                    • constant.tpl
                    • index.tpl
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • config.php
                  • smarty_unit_test.php
                  • smarty_unit_test_gui.php
                  • test_cases.php
                • COPYING.lib
                • WS_FTP.LOG
              • magpierss
                • extlib
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                • htdocs
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • cookbook.html
                  • index.html
                • scripts
                  • smarty_plugin
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • modifier.rss_date_parse.php
                  • templates
                    • WS_FTP.LOG
                    • simple.smarty
                  • WS_FTP.LOG
                  • magpie_debug.php
                  • magpie_simple.php
                  • magpie_slashbox.php
                  • simple_smarty.php
                • WS_FTP.LOG
            • add_ads.php
            • add_bottomads.php
            • add_category.php
            • add_category_22Mar.php
            • add_keyword.php
            • changepass.php
            • config.php
            • cron_getXMLcontent.php
            • done.php
            • edit_categ_order_22Mar.php
            • edit_category.php
            • edit_category1.php
            • edit_category_18 Mar2006.php
            • edit_category_22Mar.php
            • edit_keyword.php
            • frameset.php
            • function.php
            • getXML.php
            • getXMLContent_frame.php
            • getXMLLinks_frame.php
            • getXML_content.php
            • grojsus.php
            • index.php
            • init.php
            • left.php
            • list_links.php
            • logout.php
            • parse.php
            • picker.html
            • picker.js
            • plain.php
            • please_wait.php
            • please_wait1.php
            • readfile.php
            • restore.php
            • session.php
            • show_keywords.php
            • show_result.php
            • site_color.php
            • test.php
            • top.php
            • topad.php
            • uploadKeyword.php
            • util.php
          • default_config.php
          • footer.php
          • grojsus.php
          • header.php
          • index.php
          • monthdays.php
          • read_more.php
          • show_bydate.php
          • show_details.php
        • help
          • images
            • addcategory.gif
            • admin_main.gif
            • btmad.gif
            • editcategory.gif
            • feedlist.gif
            • header.gif
            • installation_01.gif
            • instl_succ.gif
            • login_scrn.gif
            • parsexml.gif
            • screen_01.gif
            • screen_02.gif
            • screen_03.gif
            • topbanner.gif
            • user_main.gif
            • xmlcontent.gif
          • index.htm
      • ResellerSite
        • images
          • _vti_cnf
            • 2.jpg
            • ad management1.jpg
            • ad management2.jpg
            • back.jpg
            • bottomband.jpg
            • button.jpg
            • checkmark.gif
            • guarantee.jpg
            • header.jpg
            • multilingual.jpg
            • user_main.gif
          • 2.jpg
          • ad management1.jpg
          • ad management2.jpg
          • back.jpg
          • bottomband.jpg
          • button.jpg
          • check.gif
          • check2.gif
          • checkmark.gif
          • guarantee.jpg
          • header.jpg
          • multilingual.jpg
          • user_main.gif
        • KEYWORDS_index.txt
        • index.htm
        • rights.html
        • rightsthankyou.html
        • thankyou.html
See Htdocs of this product. Additional pages: Cookbook
See Help of this product.
See Htdocs of this product. Additional pages: Cookbook
See Help of this product.
See ResellerSite of this product. Additional pages: Rights, Rightsthankyou, Thankyou
Additional pages: Insert image, Insert image, Select color
Additional pages: Insert image, Insert image, Select color

Revolutionize Your Website with Auto-Blog Builder

Auto-Blog Builder is a powerful tool designed to enhance your website's content and search engine performance. This innovative software automatically adds fresh, relevant, and keyword-specific content to your site, helping you build a robust online presence.

With Auto-Blog Builder, you can:

  • Generate thousands of pages with real, high-quality content
  • Improve search engine rankings and visibility
  • Attract more organic traffic to your website
  • Save time and effort in content creation
  • Boost your site's credibility and authority

By continuously adding new, optimized content, Auto-Blog Builder encourages search engine spiders to crawl your pages more frequently. This increased attention can lead to improved rankings and potentially higher sales through your shopping cart.

Auto-Blog Builder comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use the software for your own websites but also resell it to others, creating an additional income stream.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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