Product info

  • License: Private Label Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR, PLR
  • Released: 16/04/2014
  • Size: 6.34 MB


  • PHP scripts
  • Software & Scripts


    • Business & Making Money
      • Product Launch

    Launch Site Pro

    Price: 14.90

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      • LaunchSitePro_plr
        • Product
          • ClassicStyle
            • admin
              • css
                • css.css
                • style.css
              • fancybox
                • blank.gif
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                • fancy_loading.png
                • fancy_nav_left.png
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                • fancy_shadow_n.png
                • fancy_shadow_ne.png
                • fancy_shadow_nw.png
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                • jquery.easing-1.3.pack.js
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                • jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js
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                • header.png
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                • login.png
                • logo.png
                • mail.png
                • question-balloon.png
                • repeater.png
                • salespage.png
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                • script2.png
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                • shopping-basket.png
                • squeeze.png
                • video-opt.png
                • video-sales.png
                • view.png
              • imgs
                • footer.png
                • header.png
                • headersas.png
                • repeater.png
                • shadow.png
              • impor
                • fb.txt
                • pass.txt
                • popup.txt
              • js
              • This folder is empty
              • login
                • login.ini.php
                • login.php
                • login2.php
                • quickprotect.class.php
                • style.css
              • pages
                • optinpage
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • page1
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • page2
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • page3
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
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                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • salespage
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                  • views.txt
                • tos
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
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                • producttag.txt
                • supportemail.txt
              • script
                • tmp
                  • html.txt
                  • views.txt
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                • createFunnel_3.php
                • createPage.php
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                • design.txt
                • editSetup.php
                • edit_design.php
                • edit_test_2.php
                • mobile.txt
                • url.txt
              • tiny_mce
                • langs
                  • en.js
                • plugins
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                    • css
                      • advhr.css
                    • js
                      • rule.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • css
                      • advimage.css
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                    • js
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                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • image.htm
                  • advlink
                    • css
                      • advlink.css
                    • js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                      • smiley-embarassed.gif
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                      • smiley-frown.gif
                      • smiley-innocent.gif
                      • smiley-kiss.gif
                      • smiley-laughing.gif
                      • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                      • smiley-sealed.gif
                      • smiley-smile.gif
                      • smiley-surprised.gif
                      • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                      • smiley-undecided.gif
                      • smiley-wink.gif
                      • smiley-yell.gif
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                      • emotions.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                  • example
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                      • example.gif
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                      • dialog.js
                    • langs
                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • dialog.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                      • fullpage.css
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                      • fullpage.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • fullscreen.htm
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                          • button.gif
                          • buttons.gif
                          • confirm.gif
                          • corners.gif
                          • horizontal.gif
                          • vertical.gif
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • editor_plugin.js
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                    • editor_plugin.js
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                      • content.css
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • pastetext.htm
                    • pasteword.htm
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                  • save
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                  • searchreplace
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                    • js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                  • style
                    • css
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                      • row.css
                      • table.css
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                      • row.js
                      • table.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
                    • cell.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • merge_cells.htm
                    • row.htm
                    • table.htm
                  • template
                    • css
                      • template.css
                    • js
                      • template.js
                    • langs
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                      • abbr.js
                      • acronym.js
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                      • del.js
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                      • ins.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • abbr.htm
                    • acronym.htm
                    • attributes.htm
                    • cite.htm
                    • del.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • ins.htm
                • themes
                  • advanced
                    • img
                      • colorpicker.jpg
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                      • color_picker.js
                      • image.js
                      • link.js
                      • source_editor.js
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                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
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                        • ui.css
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                          • menu_check.gif
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                          • tabs.gif
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                          • button_bg_silver.png
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                        • ui_black.css
                        • ui_silver.css
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                    • color_picker.htm
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                    • editor_template_src.js
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                    • link.htm
                    • source_editor.htm
                  • simple
                    • img
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                    • langs
                      • en.js
                    • skins
                      • default
                        • content.css
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                      • o2k7
                        • img
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                • utils
                  • editable_selects.js
                  • form_utils.js
                  • mctabs.js
                  • validate.js
                • jquery.tinymce.js
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                • tiny_mce.js
                • tiny_mce_popup.js
                • tiny_mce_src.js
              • tmps
                • tmp
                  • images
                    • repeater1.png
                  • salespage.html
              • check.php
              • create.php
              • edit.php
              • header.psd
              • index.php
              • install.php
              • logo.psd
              • settings.php
              • support.php
              • view.php
            • css
              • style.css
            • imgs
              • 2.png
              • 3.png
              • 4.png
              • 5.png
              • footer.png
              • logo.png
              • repeater.png
              • shadow.png
              • under.png
            • index.php
          • bannerWeb2
            • admin
              • css
                • css.css
                • style.css
              • fancybox
                • blank.gif
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                • fancy_nav_left.png
                • fancy_nav_right.png
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                • fancy_shadow_n.png
                • fancy_shadow_ne.png
                • fancy_shadow_nw.png
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                • fancy_shadow_se.png
                • fancy_shadow_sw.png
                • fancy_shadow_w.png
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                • fancy_title_main.png
                • fancy_title_over.png
                • fancy_title_right.png
                • fancybox-x.png
                • fancybox-y.png
                • fancybox.png
                • jquery.easing-1.3.pack.js
                • jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
                • jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js
                • jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js
                • jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js
              • images
                • arrow.png
                • briefcase.png
                • bullet_go.png
                • bullet_green.png
                • chart.png
                • chart2.png
                • createsite.png
                • delete-no.png
                • delete.png
                • delete1.png
                • delete2.png
                • document-list.png
                • document-text-image.png
                • document-text.png
                • download.png
                • editdesign.png
                • editpage.png
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                • gear2.png
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                • header.png
                • icon2.png
                • install.png
                • login.png
                • logo.png
                • mail.png
                • question-balloon.png
                • repeater.png
                • salespage.png
                • savechanges.png
                • script.png
                • script2.png
                • shadow.png
                • shopping-basket.png
                • squeeze.png
                • video-opt.png
                • video-sales.png
                • view.png
              • imgs
                • footer.png
                • header.png
                • headersas.png
                • repeater.png
                • shadow.png
              • impor
                • fb.txt
                • pass.txt
                • popup.txt
              • js
              • This folder is empty
              • login
                • login.ini.php
                • login.php
                • login2.php
                • quickprotect.class.php
                • style.css
              • pages
                • optinpage
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • page1
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
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                • page2
                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
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                • page3
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                  • title.txt
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                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
                • salespage
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                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
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                  • html.txt
                  • title.txt
                  • views.txt
              • rr
                • logo.png
                • productname.txt
                • producttag.txt
                • supportemail.txt
              • script
                • tmp
                  • html.txt
                  • views.txt
                • copydir.php
                • createFunnel_3.php
                • createPage.php
                • deleteTest.php
                • design.txt
                • editSetup.php
                • edit_design.php
                • edit_test_2.php
                • mobile.txt
                • url.txt
              • tiny_mce
                • langs
                  • en.js
                • plugins
                  • advhr
                    • css
                      • advhr.css
                    • js
                      • rule.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • rule.htm
                  • advimage
                    • css
                      • advimage.css
                    • img
                      • sample.gif
                    • js
                      • image.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • image.htm
                  • advlink
                    • css
                      • advlink.css
                    • js
                      • advlink.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • autoresize
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • autosave
                    • langs
                      • en.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • bbcode
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • contextmenu
                    • editor_plugin.js
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                  • directionality
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • emotions
                    • img
                      • smiley-cool.gif
                      • smiley-cry.gif
                      • smiley-embarassed.gif
                      • smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif
                      • smiley-frown.gif
                      • smiley-innocent.gif
                      • smiley-kiss.gif
                      • smiley-laughing.gif
                      • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                      • smiley-sealed.gif
                      • smiley-smile.gif
                      • smiley-surprised.gif
                      • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                      • smiley-undecided.gif
                      • smiley-wink.gif
                      • smiley-yell.gif
                    • js
                      • emotions.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • emotions.htm
                  • example
                    • img
                      • example.gif
                    • js
                      • dialog.js
                    • langs
                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • dialog.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • fullpage
                    • css
                      • fullpage.css
                    • js
                      • fullpage.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • fullpage.htm
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                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • fullscreen.htm
                  • iespell
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • inlinepopups
                    • skins
                      • clearlooks2
                        • img
                          • alert.gif
                          • button.gif
                          • buttons.gif
                          • confirm.gif
                          • corners.gif
                          • horizontal.gif
                          • vertical.gif
                        • window.css
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • template.htm
                  • insertdatetime
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • layer
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • legacyoutput
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • media
                    • css
                      • content.css
                      • media.css
                    • img
                      • flash.gif
                      • flv_player.swf
                      • quicktime.gif
                      • realmedia.gif
                      • shockwave.gif
                      • trans.gif
                      • windowsmedia.gif
                    • js
                      • embed.js
                      • media.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • editor_plugin.js
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                      • content.css
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • paste
                    • js
                      • pastetext.js
                      • pasteword.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • pastetext.htm
                    • pasteword.htm
                  • preview
                    • jscripts
                      • embed.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • example.html
                    • preview.html
                  • print
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • save
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • searchreplace
                    • css
                      • searchreplace.css
                    • js
                      • searchreplace.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • searchreplace.htm
                  • spellchecker
                    • css
                      • content.css
                    • img
                      • wline.gif
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • style
                    • css
                      • props.css
                    • js
                      • props.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • props.htm
                  • tabfocus
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • table
                    • css
                      • cell.css
                      • row.css
                      • table.css
                    • js
                      • cell.js
                      • merge_cells.js
                      • row.js
                      • table.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • cell.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • merge_cells.htm
                    • row.htm
                    • table.htm
                  • template
                    • css
                      • template.css
                    • js
                      • template.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • blank.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • template.htm
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                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • wordcount
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • css
                      • attributes.css
                      • popup.css
                    • js
                      • abbr.js
                      • acronym.js
                      • attributes.js
                      • cite.js
                      • del.js
                      • element_common.js
                      • ins.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • abbr.htm
                    • acronym.htm
                    • attributes.htm
                    • cite.htm
                    • del.htm
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • ins.htm
                • themes
                  • advanced
                    • img
                      • colorpicker.jpg
                      • icons.gif
                    • js
                      • about.js
                      • anchor.js
                      • charmap.js
                      • color_picker.js
                      • image.js
                      • link.js
                      • source_editor.js
                    • langs
                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • skins
                      • cirkuit
                        • img
                          • butt2.png
                          • button-bg.png
                          • buttons.png
                          • down_arrow.gif
                          • fade-butt.png
                          • icons.png
                          • items.gif
                          • menu-arrow.png
                          • menu-check.png
                          • progress.gif
                          • tabs.gif
                          • toolbarbg.png
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                        • dialog.css
                        • ui.css
                      • default
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                          • buttons.png
                          • items.gif
                          • menu_arrow.gif
                          • menu_check.gif
                          • progress.gif
                          • tabs.gif
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                        • dialog.css
                        • ui.css
                      • o2k7
                        • img
                          • button_bg.png
                          • button_bg_black.png
                          • button_bg_silver.png
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                        • dialog.css
                        • ui.css
                        • ui_black.css
                        • ui_silver.css
                    • about.htm
                    • anchor.htm
                    • charmap.htm
                    • color_picker.htm
                    • editor_template.js
                    • editor_template_src.js
                    • image.htm
                    • link.htm
                    • source_editor.htm
                  • simple
                    • img
                      • icons.gif
                    • langs
                      • en.js
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                      • default
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              • tmps
                • tmp
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              • 5.png
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            • index.php
          • coolHeader
            • admin
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                • video-sales.png
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                • header.png
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                • repeater.png
                • shadow.png
              • impor
                • fb.txt
                • pass.txt
                • popup.txt
              • js
              • This folder is empty
              • login
                • login.ini.php
                • login.php
                • login2.php
                • quickprotect.class.php
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                • createFunnel_3.php
                • createPage.php
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                • design.txt
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                • edit_test_2.php
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                • url.txt
              • tiny_mce
                • langs
                  • en.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                      • smiley-wink.gif
                      • smiley-yell.gif
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                      • emotions.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                      • example.gif
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                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • table.htm
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                  • advanced
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                      • image.js
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                      • en.js
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              • tmps
                • tmp
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              • header.psd
              • index.php
              • install.php
              • logo.psd
              • settings.php
              • support.php
              • view.php
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            • index.php
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            • admin
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                • video-sales.png
                • view.png
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                • footer.png
                • header.png
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                • repeater.png
                • shadow.png
              • impor
                • fb.txt
                • pass.txt
                • popup.txt
              • js
              • This folder is empty
              • login
                • login.ini.php
                • login.php
                • login2.php
                • quickprotect.class.php
                • style.css
              • pages
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                  • title.txt
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                • producttag.txt
                • supportemail.txt
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                • createFunnel_3.php
                • createPage.php
                • deleteTest.php
                • design.txt
                • editSetup.php
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                • edit_test_2.php
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                • url.txt
              • tiny_mce
                • langs
                  • en.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                      • smiley-frown.gif
                      • smiley-innocent.gif
                      • smiley-kiss.gif
                      • smiley-laughing.gif
                      • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                      • smiley-sealed.gif
                      • smiley-smile.gif
                      • smiley-surprised.gif
                      • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                      • smiley-undecided.gif
                      • smiley-wink.gif
                      • smiley-yell.gif
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                      • emotions.js
                    • langs
                      • en_dlg.js
                    • editor_plugin.js
                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • emotions.htm
                  • example
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                      • example.gif
                    • js
                      • dialog.js
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                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
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                    • row.htm
                    • table.htm
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                      • template.js
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                      • en_dlg.js
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                    • acronym.htm
                    • attributes.htm
                    • cite.htm
                    • del.htm
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • ins.htm
                • themes
                  • advanced
                    • img
                      • colorpicker.jpg
                      • icons.gif
                    • js
                      • about.js
                      • anchor.js
                      • charmap.js
                      • color_picker.js
                      • image.js
                      • link.js
                      • source_editor.js
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                      • en.js
                      • en_dlg.js
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                          • menu-check.png
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                        • ui.css
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                        • img
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                          • button_bg_black.png
                          • button_bg_silver.png
                        • content.css
                        • dialog.css
                        • ui.css
                        • ui_black.css
                        • ui_silver.css
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                    • editor_template_src.js
                    • image.htm
                    • link.htm
                    • source_editor.htm
                  • simple
                    • img
                      • icons.gif
                    • langs
                      • en.js
                    • skins
                      • default
                        • content.css
                        • ui.css
                      • o2k7
                        • img
                          • button_bg.png
                        • content.css
                        • ui.css
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                    • editor_template_src.js
                • utils
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                  • form_utils.js
                  • mctabs.js
                  • validate.js
                • jquery.tinymce.js
                • license.txt
                • tiny_mce.js
                • tiny_mce_popup.js
                • tiny_mce_src.js
              • tmps
                • tmp
                  • images
                    • repeater1.png
                  • salespage.html
              • check.php
              • create.php
              • edit.php
              • header.psd
              • index.php
              • install.php
              • logo.psd
              • settings.php
              • support.php
              • view.php
            • css
              • style.css
            • imgs
              • 2.png
              • 3.png
              • 4.png
              • 5.png
              • footer.png
              • logo.png
              • shadow.png
              • under.png
            • index.php
        • eCovers
          • eCover.jpg
          • eCover450.jpg
        • desktop.ini
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Rule
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Rule
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Rule
    Additional pages: Rule

    Launch Site Pro: Your Solution for Quick and Professional Website Launches

    First impressions matter, especially when it comes to websites. Visitors often judge a site's legitimacy within seconds of landing on it. For internet business owners, an eye-catching website design is crucial for converting visitors into buyers.

    While hiring a web designer can be expensive, Launch Site Pro offers an affordable alternative that doesn't compromise on quality. This powerful tool provides everything you need to create stunning websites quickly and professionally.

    Key features and benefits of Launch Site Pro include:

    • User-friendly interface for easy site creation
    • Professional templates to kickstart your design
    • Customization options to match your brand
    • Responsive designs for mobile compatibility
    • Time-saving tools to streamline your workflow

    With Launch Site Pro, you can create impressive websites that capture attention and drive conversions, all without breaking the bank. This product comes with Private Label Rights, allowing you to use, modify, and even resell the software as your own.


    • [YES] Can be sold
    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
    • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [YES] Can modify/change the main product
    • [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [YES] Can be used to build a list
    • [YES] Can print/publish offline
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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