Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 03/05/2011
  • Size: 1.46 MB


  • Software & Scripts


    • Facebook
    • Social Traffic

    LikeList v1.2

    Price: 14.90

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      • LikeListv12
        • LikeList v1.2
          • Instructions
            • getting_started.pdf
            • readme.html
          • upload_v1.2
            • admin
              • css
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                • likes.php
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                • page_fixlikes.php
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              • js
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                    • del.htm
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                    • editor_plugin_src.js
                    • ins.htm
                • themes
                  • advanced
                    • img
                      • colorpicker.jpg
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                      • link.js
                      • source_editor.js
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                    • source_editor.htm
                  • simple
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                    • langs
                      • en.js
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                      • default
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                      • o2k7
                        • img
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                        • content.css
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                • tiny_mce_src.js
              • index.php
              • world.php
            • configs
            • This folder is empty
            • css
              • facebox.css
              • main.css
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              • screen.css
              • styles.css
            • data
              • ad_header.png
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              • ad_sidebar_2.png
            • images
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              • Header-Loop.png
              • Header-Template-Bottom-New.png
              • Header-Template-New.png
              • Header-Template-Small-Bottom-New.png
              • Header-Template-Small-New.png
              • LikeList_Promo.png
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              • Type_YouTube.png
              • Untitled-1.png
              • Untitled-2.png
              • ajax-loader.gif
              • button.png
              • closelabel.png
              • icon_search.png
              • loading.gif
              • play_video.png
              • puzzle_piece.png
              • rss_icon.png
              • searchbg.png
              • star.png
              • textareabg.png
            • includes
              • Facebook
                • facebook.php
                • fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt
              • Smarty
                • libs
                  • plugins
                    • block.php.php
                    • block.textformat.php
                    • function.counter.php
                    • function.cycle.php
                    • function.fetch.php
                    • function.html_checkboxes.php
                    • function.html_image.php
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                    • function.mailto.php
                    • function.math.php
                    • function.popup.php
                    • function.popup_init.php
                    • modifier.capitalize.php
                    • modifier.date_format.php
                    • modifier.debug_print_var.php
                    • modifier.escape.php
                    • modifier.regex_replace.php
                    • modifier.replace.php
                    • modifier.spacify.php
                    • modifier.truncate.php
                    • modifiercompiler.count_characters.php
                    • modifiercompiler.count_paragraphs.php
                    • modifiercompiler.count_sentences.php
                    • modifiercompiler.count_words.php
                    • modifiercompiler.default.php
                    • modifiercompiler.indent.php
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                    • modifiercompiler.strip_tags.php
                    • modifiercompiler.upper.php
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                    • smarty_internal_compile_capture.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_config_load.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_continue.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_debug.php
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                    • smarty_internal_compile_include_php.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_insert.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_ldelim.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_nocache.php
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                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_function_plugin.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_object_block_function.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_object_function.php
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                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_registered_block.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_registered_function.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_private_special_variable.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_rdelim.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_section.php
                    • smarty_internal_compile_while.php
                    • smarty_internal_compilebase.php
                    • smarty_internal_config.php
                    • smarty_internal_config_file_compiler.php
                    • smarty_internal_configfilelexer.php
                    • smarty_internal_configfileparser.php
                    • smarty_internal_data.php
                    • smarty_internal_debug.php
                    • smarty_internal_filter.php
                    • smarty_internal_filter_handler.php
                    • smarty_internal_function_call_handler.php
                    • smarty_internal_nocache_insert.php
                    • smarty_internal_parsetree.php
                    • smarty_internal_register.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_eval.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_extends.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_file.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_php.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_registered.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_stream.php
                    • smarty_internal_resource_string.php
                    • smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php
                    • smarty_internal_template.php
                    • smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php
                    • smarty_internal_templatelexer.php
                    • smarty_internal_templateparser.php
                    • smarty_internal_utility.php
                    • smarty_internal_wrapper.php
                    • smarty_internal_write_file.php
                    • smarty_security.php
                  • Smarty.class.php
                  • debug.tpl
              • database.php
              • feedcreator.class.php
              • functions.php
              • recaptchalib.php
            • js
              • facebox.js
              • jquery-1.4.4.min.js
              • swfobject.js
            • templates
              • create_success.html
              • email_success.html
              • index.html
              • like.html
              • overall_footer.html
              • overall_header.html
              • page.html
              • report_success.html
              • search.html
            • templates_c
            • config.php
            • create.php
            • email.php
            • index.php
            • install.php
            • like.php
            • page.php
            • report.php
            • rss.php
            • search.php
            • track.php
            • world.php
          • LikeListv12.png
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Rule
    Additional pages: Readme

    LikeList v1.2: Unlock Facebook's Massive Traffic Potential

    Are you looking for an effortless way to tap into Facebook's enormous user base? LikeList v1.2 is your solution. This powerful tool enables you to attract hundreds of thousands of daily visitors and gain hundreds of Facebook followers with minimal effort.

    With LikeList v1.2, you can:

    • Easily increase your Facebook page's visibility
    • Attract targeted traffic to your website or offers
    • Grow your Facebook following organically
    • Boost engagement on your posts and content
    • Save time and effort in your social media marketing

    Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage Facebook's vast audience. LikeList v1.2 provides you with the tools you need to expand your reach and grow your online presence effectively.

    This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use LikeList v1.2 for your own benefit but also to resell it to others, creating an additional income stream.


    • [YES] Can be sold
    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
    • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [YES] Can be used to build a list
    • [YES] Can print/publish offline
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

    Download 200 FREE Products!

    Tap into digital products business without having to pay anything.

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    *You can close your account at any time!