Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 21/01/2009
  • Size: 49.10 MB


  • Tools


  • Blogging

Build Blogs Fast

Price: 11.90

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  • /
    • BuildBlogsFast
      • bbf_mrr
        • Build_Blogs_Fast
          • Extras
            • Menu Looks
              • menu-chrome
                • topbar.gif
              • menu-default
                • topbar.gif
            • Original_Files
              • Plugins
                • Adhesive
                  • Red Alt - Page tools and resources.URL
                • Post Teaser
                  • PostTeaser - WordPress Plugin Repository - Trac.URL
                  • post-teaser.php
                • SmartRSS
                  • - Technology News » SmartRSS Plugin.URL
                • aLinks
                  • modules
                  • Headzoo - aLinks.URL
                • dd-lastest-from-each
                  • Latest Post from each Category plugin for WordPress · Dagon Design.URL
                  • dd-lastest-from-each.php
              • Theme
                • AdSense Wordpress Theme - Ads Minded » Latest Hi Tech News.URL
              • Read me.pdf
              • WordPress ¢ Free Blog Tool and Weblog Platform.URL
            • adsense
              • Read me.pdf
              • centerbar.txt
              • headerads.txt
              • single.txt
              • square.txt
            • resources.txt
          • Modules
          • OrangeJuice
            • baseball
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            • basketball
              • style.css
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              • style.css
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              • style.css
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              • style.css
            • horses
              • style.css
            • karate
              • style.css
            • kidscrafts
              • style.css
            • skateboarding
              • style.css
            • soccer
              • style.css
            • wedding
              • style.css
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              • orderbutton.jpg
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              • paymentbrands.gif
              • showalljpg.jpg
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            • bbf_download.html
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          • ThemeMods
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              • style.css
            • chocolate
              • style.css
            • default
              • style.css
            • orange
              • style.css
            • plum
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              • style.css
          • Video
            • Automated Blog Income
              • Automated Blog Income.html
              • Automated Blog Income.swf
              • Automated Blog Income_config.xml
              • Automated Blog Income_controller.swf
              • Automated Blog Income_nofp_bg.gif
            • View Me First
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              • Videw Me First_controller.swf
              • Videw Me First_nofp_bg.gif
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                      • mod.php
                      • mod.xml
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                      • mod.php
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                  • This folder is empty
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                • wp-db-backup.php
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                • adsminded
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                  • header.php
                  • index.php
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                  • icon_wink.gif
              • js
                • tinymce
                  • langs
                    • en.js
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                    • autosave
                      • langs
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                      • Read me.pdf
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                    • directionality
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                      • Read me.pdf
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                    • wordpress
                      • images
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                    • wphelp
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                        • en.js
                      • editor_plugin.js
                  • themes
                    • advanced
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                        • editor_ui.css
                      • images
                        • xp
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                      • image.htm
                      • link.htm
                      • source_editor.htm
                  • utils
                    • form_utils.js
                    • mctabs.js
                    • validate.js
                  • blank.htm
                  • license.html
                  • license.txt
                  • tiny_mce.js
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                  • wp-mce-help.php
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              • cache.php
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              • class-IXR.php
              • class-pop3.php
              • class-snoopy.php
              • classes.php
              • comment-functions.php
              • default-filters.php
              • feed-functions.php
              • functions-compat.php
              • functions-formatting.php
              • functions-post.php
              • functions.php
              • gettext.php
              • kses.php
              • links.php
              • locale.php
              • pluggable-functions.php
              • registration-functions.php
              • rss-functions.php
              • streams.php
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              • template-functions-category.php
              • template-functions-general.php
              • template-functions-links.php
              • template-functions-post.php
              • template-loader.php
              • vars.php
              • version.php
              • wp-db.php
              • wp-l10n.php
            • index.php
            • license.txt
            • readme.html
            • wp-atom.php
            • wp-blog-header.php
            • wp-comments-post.php
            • wp-commentsrss2.php
            • wp-config-sample.php
            • wp-config.php
            • wp-feed.php
            • wp-links-opml.php
            • wp-login.php
            • wp-mail.php
            • wp-pass.php
            • wp-rdf.php
            • wp-register.php
            • wp-rss.php
            • wp-rss2.php
            • wp-settings.php
            • wp-trackback.php
            • wp_smartrss.php
            • xmlrpc.php
          • Orange Juice Theme Gallery.pdf
          • Quick Start Guide.pdf
          • Read me.pdf
        • images
          • blogbox-copy-2.jpg
          • blogbox-copy.jpg
          • blogboxflat.jpg
          • blogboxlrg.jpg
          • blogboxmed.jpg
          • blogboxmini.jpg
          • blogboxmini2.jpg
          • blogboxmini3.jpg
          • blogboxsmall.jpg
          • blogboxsmaller.jpg
          • blogboxsmallest.jpg
          • check.jpg
          • guarantee.gif
          • guarantee.jpg
          • head.gif
          • maroonarrow.gif
          • orderbutton.jpg
        • bbf_download.html
        • index.html
        • style.css
      • images
        • blogbox-copy-2.jpg
        • blogbox-copy.jpg
        • blogboxflat.jpg
        • blogboxlrg.jpg
        • blogboxmed.jpg
        • blogboxmini.jpg
        • blogboxmini2.jpg
        • blogboxmini3.jpg
        • blogboxsmall.jpg
        • blogboxsmaller.jpg
        • blogboxsmallest.jpg
        • check.jpg
        • guarantee.gif
        • guarantee.jpg
        • head.gif
        • maroonarrow.gif
        • orderbutton.jpg
      • MRR License.pdf
      • Read me.pdf
      • bbf_download.html
      • index.html
      • style.css
See Reseller Site of this product. Additional pages: Bbf download
See Bbf mrr of this product. Additional pages: Bbf download
See BuildBlogsFast of this product. Additional pages: Bbf download
Additional pages: Readme
Additional pages: Blank, License
Additional pages: Help
Additional pages: Help
Additional pages: Flavors and orangejuice
Additional pages: Videw Me First
Additional pages: Automated Blog Income

Build Blogs Fast: Your Gateway to Automated Income Generation

Creating profitable, self-updating websites has never been more straightforward. With "Build Blogs Fast," you can set up fully automated blogs that work tirelessly for you, generating income around the clock.

Our comprehensive step-by-step video guide provides everything you need to get started in minutes. Here's what you can achieve with Build Blogs Fast:

  • Create unlimited websites that automatically update with free content
  • Optimize Google Adsense placement for increased click-through rates
  • Improve search engine visibility with optimized site structure
  • Implement multiple income streams, including affiliate product promotion
  • Customize your site's appearance with six color templates
  • Access all necessary tools and resources without additional costs

Build Blogs Fast allows you to construct, set up, and let your sites run on autopilot. Say goodbye to hours spent posting articles and maintaining your websites. Our package includes Adsense-optimized templates to boost your revenue effortlessly.

Furthermore, our methods ensure that search engine spiders index your sites more frequently than typical blogs, leading to higher search engine rankings. The included plugin also transforms your free content into income-producing contextual ads, diversifying your revenue streams.

This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use it for your own projects but also to resell it to others, potentially creating an additional income stream.


  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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