Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 04/03/2013
  • Size: 2.47 MB


  • Builders
  • Software & Scripts


    Easy Mobi Builder Script

    Price: 14.90

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    • /
      • EasyMobiBuilder
        • Mobile Builder Script
          • bootstrap
            • css
              • bootstrap-fileupload.css
              • bootstrap-fileupload.min.css
              • bootstrap-responsive.css
              • bootstrap-responsive.min.css
              • bootstrap.css
              • bootstrap.min.css
            • img
              • glyphicons-halflings-white.png
              • glyphicons-halflings.png
            • js
              • bootstrap-fileupload.js
              • bootstrap-fileupload.min.js
              • bootstrap.js
              • bootstrap.min.js
          • cache
          • This folder is empty
          • css
            • style.css
          • images
            • icons
              • @.png
              • arrow-circle-double.png
              • arrow-circle.png
              • arrow-down.png
              • arrow-full-size.png
              • arrow-left.png
              • arrow-return-left.png
              • arrow-return-right.png
              • arrow-right.png
              • arrow-up.png
              • asterisk.png
              • balloon-box-text.png
              • balloon-box.png
              • book-bookmarks.png
              • bookmark.png
              • briefcase.png
              • calendar.png
              • camera-photo.png
              • cart.png
              • chart-alt_1.png
              • chart-alt_2.png
              • chart-arrow.png
              • chart.png
              • check-box-unchek.png
              • check-box.png
              • clipboard-task.png
              • clock.png
              • cloud-circle-double.png
              • cloud-cross.png
              • cloud-tick.png
              • cloud.png
              • cross.png
              • currency-dollar.png
              • currency-euro.png
              • currency-pound.png
              • currency-yen.png
              • disk.png
              • document-text-2.png
              • document-text.png
              • document.png
              • eject.png
              • exclamation-frame.png
              • exclamation.png
              • eye-close.png
              • eye.png
              • facebook.png
              • flag.png
              • folder-arrow-circle-double.png
              • folder-arrow-down.png
              • folder-arrow-right.png
              • folder-arrow-up.png
              • folder-cross.png
              • folder-minus.png
              • folder-plus.png
              • folder-point.png
              • folder-tick.png
              • folder.png
              • gear.png
              • google+.png
              • heart-minus.png
              • heart-plus.png
              • heart.png
              • home.png
              • hourglass.png
              • information-circle.png
              • information.png
              • key.png
              • linkedin.png
              • lock-unlock.png
              • lock.png
              • magnifier-zoom-in.png
              • magnifier-zoom-out.png
              • magnifier.png
              • mail-open.png
              • mail.png
              • mark-registration.png
              • marker.png
              • minus.png
              • music-beam.png
              • next-track.png
              • next.png
              • pause.png
              • pencil.png
              • phone.png
              • play.png
              • plus.png
              • power.png
              • prev-track.png
              • prev.png
              • printer.png
              • question.png
              • rec.png
              • repeat.png
              • shopping-cart-full.png
              • shopping-cart.png
              • sign-copyright.png
              • sound-off.png
              • sound-on.png
              • star.png
              • stop.png
              • tag.png
              • telephone-analog.png
              • telephone-mobile.png
              • tick.png
              • twitter.png
              • umbrella.png
              • user.png
              • videotape.png
              • view-grid-2.png
              • view-grid.png
              • view-list-2.png
              • view-list.png
              • wi-fi.png
            • ajax-loader.gif
            • iphone-lg-blk-ls.png
            • iphone-lg-blk.png
            • iphone-lg.jpg
            • iphone-med.jpg
            • iphone.jpg
            • iphone1.jpg
          • include
            • database.php
            • email.php
            • ipnlistener.php
            • login.php
            • mobilebuilder.php
            • reseller.php
            • session.php
            • upload.php
          • js
            • bootstrap-colorpicker
              • css
                • bootstrap-colorpicker.css
                • bootstrap-responsive.css
                • bootstrap-responsive.min.css
                • bootstrap.css
                • bootstrap.min.css
              • img
                • bootstrap-colorpicker
                  • alpha.png
                  • hue.png
                  • saturation.png
                • glyphicons-halflings-white.png
                • glyphicons-halflings.png
              • js
                • google-code-prettify
                  • prettify.css
                  • prettify.js
                • app.js
                • bootstrap-colorpicker.js
                • bootstrap-colorpicker.js.original
                • bootstrap.js
                • bootstrap.min.js
                • jquery.min.js
              • less
                • bootstrap-colorpicker.less
              • index.html
            • cleditor
              • images
                • buttons.gif
                • toolbar.gif
              • jquery.cleditor.css
              • jquery.cleditor.extimage.js
              • jquery.cleditor.js
              • jquery.cleditor.min.js
            • jqueryui
              • css
                • smoothness
                  • images
                    • ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png
                    • ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png
                    • ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png
                    • ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
                    • ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png
                    • ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png
                    • ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png
                    • ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png
                    • ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png
                    • ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
                    • ui-icons_454545_256x240.png
                    • ui-icons_888888_256x240.png
                    • ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png
                  • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css
                  • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.css
              • js
                • jquery-1.9.0.js
                • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.js
                • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js
            • tiny_mce
              • img
                • upload-image.png
              • langs
                • en.js
              • plugins
                • advhr
                  • css
                    • advhr.css
                  • js
                    • rule.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • rule.htm
                • advimage
                  • css
                    • advimage.css
                  • img
                    • sample.gif
                  • js
                    • image.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • image.htm
                • advlink
                  • css
                    • advlink.css
                  • js
                    • advlink.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • link.htm
                • advlist
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • autolink
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • autoresize
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • autosave
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • bbcode
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • contextmenu
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • directionality
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • emotions
                  • img
                    • smiley-cool.gif
                    • smiley-cry.gif
                    • smiley-embarassed.gif
                    • smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif
                    • smiley-frown.gif
                    • smiley-innocent.gif
                    • smiley-kiss.gif
                    • smiley-laughing.gif
                    • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                    • smiley-sealed.gif
                    • smiley-smile.gif
                    • smiley-surprised.gif
                    • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                    • smiley-undecided.gif
                    • smiley-wink.gif
                    • smiley-yell.gif
                  • js
                    • emotions.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • emotions.htm
                • example
                  • img
                    • example.gif
                  • js
                    • dialog.js
                  • langs
                    • en.js
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • dialog.htm
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • example_dependency
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • fullpage
                  • css
                    • fullpage.css
                  • js
                    • fullpage.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • fullpage.htm
                • fullscreen
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • fullscreen.htm
                • iespell
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • imageupload
                  • img
                    • upload-image.png
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin.js.original
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js.original
                  • upload.php.remove
                • inlinepopups
                  • skins
                    • clearlooks2
                      • img
                        • alert.gif
                        • button.gif
                        • buttons.gif
                        • confirm.gif
                        • corners.gif
                        • horizontal.gif
                        • vertical.gif
                      • window.css
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • template.htm
                • insertdatetime
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • layer
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • legacyoutput
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • lists
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • media
                  • css
                    • media.css
                  • js
                    • embed.js
                    • media.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • media.htm
                  • moxieplayer.swf
                • nonbreaking
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • noneditable
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • pagebreak
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • paste
                  • js
                    • pastetext.js
                    • pasteword.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • pastetext.htm
                  • pasteword.htm
                • preview
                  • jscripts
                    • embed.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • example.html
                  • preview.html
                • print
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • save
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • searchreplace
                  • css
                    • searchreplace.css
                  • js
                    • searchreplace.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • searchreplace.htm
                • spellchecker
                  • classes
                    • utils
                    • This folder is empty
                  • css
                    • content.css
                  • img
                    • wline.gif
                  • includes
                  • This folder is empty
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • style
                  • css
                    • props.css
                  • js
                    • props.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • props.htm
                  • readme.txt
                • tabfocus
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • table
                  • css
                    • cell.css
                    • row.css
                    • table.css
                  • js
                    • cell.js
                    • merge_cells.js
                    • row.js
                    • table.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • cell.htm
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • merge_cells.htm
                  • row.htm
                  • table.htm
                • template
                  • css
                    • template.css
                  • js
                    • template.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • blank.htm
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • template.htm
                • visualblocks
                  • css
                    • visualblocks.css
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • visualchars
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • wordcount
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                • xhtmlxtras
                  • css
                    • attributes.css
                    • popup.css
                  • js
                    • abbr.js
                    • acronym.js
                    • attributes.js
                    • cite.js
                    • del.js
                    • element_common.js
                    • ins.js
                  • langs
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • abbr.htm
                  • acronym.htm
                  • attributes.htm
                  • cite.htm
                  • del.htm
                  • editor_plugin.js
                  • editor_plugin_src.js
                  • ins.htm
              • themes
                • advanced
                  • img
                    • colorpicker.jpg
                    • flash.gif
                    • icons.gif
                    • iframe.gif
                    • pagebreak.gif
                    • quicktime.gif
                    • realmedia.gif
                    • shockwave.gif
                    • trans.gif
                    • video.gif
                    • windowsmedia.gif
                  • js
                    • about.js
                    • anchor.js
                    • charmap.js
                    • color_picker.js
                    • image.js
                    • link.js
                    • source_editor.js
                  • langs
                    • en.js
                    • en_dlg.js
                  • skins
                    • default
                      • img
                        • buttons.png
                        • items.gif
                        • menu_arrow.gif
                        • menu_check.gif
                        • progress.gif
                        • tabs.gif
                      • content.css
                      • dialog.css
                      • ui.css
                    • highcontrast
                      • content.css
                      • dialog.css
                      • ui.css
                    • o2k7
                      • img
                        • button_bg.png
                        • button_bg_black.png
                        • button_bg_silver.png
                      • content.css
                      • dialog.css
                      • ui.css
                      • ui_black.css
                      • ui_silver.css
                  • about.htm
                  • anchor.htm
                  • charmap.htm
                  • color_picker.htm
                  • editor_template.js
                  • editor_template_src.js
                  • image.htm
                  • link.htm
                  • shortcuts.htm
                  • source_editor.htm
                • simple
                  • img
                    • icons.gif
                  • langs
                    • en.js
                  • skins
                    • default
                      • content.css
                      • ui.css
                    • o2k7
                      • img
                        • button_bg.png
                      • content.css
                      • ui.css
                  • editor_template.js
                  • editor_template_src.js
              • utils
                • editable_selects.js
                • form_utils.js
                • mctabs.js
                • validate.js
              • tiny_mce.js
              • tiny_mce_popup.js
              • tiny_mce_src.js
            • admin.js
            • global.js
            • jquery-1.8.3.min.js
          • themes
            • default
              • css
                • colors.css.tpl
                • datepicker.css
                • styles.css
              • images
                • facebook.png
                • google+.png
                • linkedin.png
                • logo.gif
                • next.gif
                • phone.png
                • prev.gif
                • twitter.png
              • jqueryui
                • css
                  • smoothness
                    • images
                      • ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png
                      • ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png
                      • ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png
                      • ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
                      • ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png
                      • ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png
                      • ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png
                      • ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png
                      • ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png
                      • ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
                      • ui-icons_454545_256x240.png
                      • ui-icons_888888_256x240.png
                      • ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png
                    • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.css
                    • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.css
                • js
                  • jquery-1.9.0.js
                  • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.js
                  • jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js
              • simplepie
                • idn
                  • ReadMe.txt
                  • idna_convert.class.php
                  • npdata.ser
                • library
                  • SimplePie
                    • Cache
                      • Base.php
                      • DB.php
                      • File.php
                      • Memcache.php
                      • MySQL.php
                    • Content
                      • Type
                        • Sniffer.php
                    • Decode
                      • HTML
                        • Entities.php
                    • HTTP
                      • Parser.php
                    • Net
                      • IPv6.php
                    • Parse
                      • Date.php
                    • XML
                      • Declaration
                        • Parser.php
                    • Author.php
                    • Cache.php
                    • Caption.php
                    • Category.php
                    • Copyright.php
                    • Core.php
                    • Credit.php
                    • Enclosure.php
                    • Exception.php
                    • File.php
                    • IRI.php
                    • Item.php
                    • Locator.php
                    • Misc.php
                    • Parser.php
                    • Rating.php
                    • Registry.php
                    • Restriction.php
                    • Sanitize.php
                    • Source.php
                    • gzdecode.php
                  • SimplePie.php
                • autoloader.php
              • config.php.tpl
              • content.php.tpl
              • footer.php
              • form.php.tpl
              • header.php
              • index.php.tpl
              • map.php.tpl
              • news.php.tpl
          • account.php
          • admin.php
          • adminajax.php
          • ajax.php
          • builderprocess.php
          • discountcodes.php
          • download.php
          • favicon.ico
          • footer.php
          • forgotpassword.php
          • form.php
          • header.php
          • icons.php
          • index.php
          • install.php
          • ipn.php
          • login.php
          • logout.php
          • mobile_builder_tables.sql
          • mockup.php
          • nav.php
          • packagedetails.php
          • packages.php
          • process.php
          • purchase.php
          • register.php
          • signup.php
          • site.php
          • subscription.php
          • test.php
          • thankyou.php
          • upload.php
          • userdetails.php
          • users.php
        • eCovers
          • eCover.jpg
          • eCover450.jpg
    See Bootstrap colorpicker of this product.
    Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
    Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
    Additional pages: Props
    Additional pages: Searchreplace
    Additional pages: Media
    Additional pages: Template
    Additional pages: Fullscreen
    Additional pages: Fullpage
    Additional pages: Emotions
    Additional pages: Link
    Additional pages: Image
    Additional pages: Rule

    Easy Mobi Builder Script: Simplify Your Mobile Website Creation

    In today's digital landscape, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. With the majority of Americans using smartphones to browse the internet, it's essential to ensure your online presence caters to this growing audience.

    The Easy Mobi Builder Script offers a straightforward solution to create mobile-friendly websites quickly and efficiently. This tool empowers you to tap into the vast mobile market and prevent potential visitor loss due to incompatible site designs.

    Key features and benefits include:

    • User-friendly interface for easy navigation
    • Responsive design templates for various device sizes
    • Customization options to match your brand identity
    • Fast loading times for improved user experience
    • SEO-friendly structure to boost your mobile search rankings

    Don't let your business miss out on the mobile revolution. With the Easy Mobi Builder Script, you can create a mobile-optimized website that engages your audience and drives results.

    This product comes with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to use the Easy Mobi Builder Script for your own projects and websites.


    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
    • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [NO] Can be used to build a list
    • [NO] Can print/publish offline
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
    • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can be sold

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