Dangerous Default Student Loan Pitfalls
Student loans, like other forms of financial aid, require repayment. However, many borrowers fall into the trap of ignoring their debt, leading to serious consequences. This guide, "Dangerous Default Student Loan Pitfalls," explores the risks of defaulting on student loans.
When borrowers fail to enter repayment within 90 to 120 days after leaving school or dropping below half-time enrollment, their loans become delinquent. If the loan remains unpaid for 270 days, it enters "default" status.
Understanding Student Loan Default
A student loan default occurs when a borrower fails to meet the terms and conditions of their loan contract. This often happens when borrowers try to escape their debts, resulting in unfavorable consequences.
Before a loan is declared in default, it goes through a delinquency period. During this time, lenders authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act will try to locate and contact the borrower. If unsuccessful, the loan is placed in default and turned over to a state guaranty agency or the Department of Education.
Once a loan enters default status, the consequences can be severe:
- The entire loan balance becomes due immediately
- Credit score may be severely damaged
- Wage garnishment may occur
- Tax refunds may be withheld
- Eligibility for additional federal student aid may be lost
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