Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 21/08/2016
  • Size: 98.94 MB


  • eBooks & Reports
    • Videos, Tutorials & Courses


      • Business & Making Money
        • eCommerce

      Your eCommerce Store

      Price: 14.90

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      • /
        • YoureCommerceStore_mrr
          • Cover
            • ebook.png
          • Module1-TrainingGuide
            • Your Ecommerce Store ebook.pdf
          • Module10-Banners
            • 160x600.png
            • 250x250.png
            • 400x400.png
            • 486x60.png
            • 728x90.png
          • Module11-PromotionalEmailSwipes
            • Email#1.txt
            • Email#2.txt
            • Email#3.txt
            • Email#4.txt
            • Email#5.txt
          • Module12-HighQualityECovers
            • 001.jpg
            • 002.jpg
            • 003.jpg
            • 004.jpg
            • 005.jpg
            • 006.jpg
            • 007.jpg
            • 008.jpg
            • 009.jpg
            • 010.jpg
          • Module13-SocialMediaImagesPack
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            • 2.png
            • 3.png
            • 4.png
            • 5.png
            • 6.png
            • 7.png
            • 8.png
            • 9.png
            • 10.png
            • 11.png
            • 12.png
            • 13.png
            • 14.png
            • 15.png
            • 16.png
            • 17.png
            • 18.png
            • 19.png
            • 20.png
          • Module2-CheatSheet
            • Your Ecommerce Cheat Sheet.pdf
          • Module3-MindMap
            • Ecommerce-Store-Mind-Map.jpg
            • Ecommerce-Store-Mind-Map.pdf
          • Module4-ResourceReport
            • Ecommerce Store Resource Sheet.pdf
          • Module5-SalesLetterAndThankYouPage
            • css
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              • bootstrap.css
              • icomoon.css
              • owl.carousel.min.css
              • owl.theme.default.min.css
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              • style.css
            • download
              • css
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                • style.css
              • images
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                  • duration.png
                  • hammer.png
                  • insider.png
                  • levels.png
                  • magnifying-glass.png
                  • more.png
                  • online-store.png
                  • price-tag.png
                  • reqr.png
                  • rocket.png
                  • scale.png
                  • settings.png
                  • time.png
                  • traffic.png
                • 1.png
                • 2.png
                • 3.png
                • JV-Invite-Pages.png
                • Members-Areas.png
                • Payment-Links.png
                • Sales-pages.png
                • Upsells-And-Downsells.png
                • Women.png
                • access_bundle.png
                • bmainproof.png
                • buy-button.png
                • cd.png
                • cheatsheet.png
                • checkedg.png
                • clounds.png
                • computer.png
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                • image5.png
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                • money-back-guarantee.png
                • people.png
                • person.png
                • play.png
                • ppt.png
                • q.png
                • resources.png
                • rocket-man.png
                • rockets.png
                • tick-inside-circle.png
                • tired.png
                • video.png
                • voice cover.PNG
                • wrong.png
                • zero_result.png
              • ReadThisFirst.pdf
              • disclaimer.html
              • privacy-policy.html
              • terms-and-conditions.html
              • thankyou.html
            • fonts
              • ProximaNova
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                • codropsicons.eot
                • codropsicons.svg
                • codropsicons.ttf
                • codropsicons.woff
                • license.txt
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                • icomoon
                  • demo-files
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                    • demo.js
                  • fonts
                    • icomoon.eot
                    • icomoon.svg
                    • icomoon.ttf
                    • icomoon.woff
                  • Read Me.txt
                  • demo.html
                  • selection.json
                  • style.css
                • icomoon.eot
                • icomoon.svg
                • icomoon.ttf
                • icomoon.woff
              • simple-line-icons
                • Simple-Line-Icons.eot
                • Simple-Line-Icons.svg
                • Simple-Line-Icons.ttf
                • Simple-Line-Icons.woff
                • Simple-Line-Icons.woff2
            • images
              • Icon
                • browser.png
                • browser1.png
                • checked.png
                • duration.png
                • hammer.png
                • insider.png
                • levels.png
                • magnifying-glass.png
                • more.png
                • online-store.png
                • price-tag.png
                • reqr.png
                • rocket.png
                • scale.png
                • settings.png
                • time.png
                • traffic.png
              • 1.png
              • 2.png
              • 3.png
              • JV-Invite-Pages.png
              • Members-Areas.png
              • Payment-Links.png
              • Sales-pages.png
              • Upsells-And-Downsells.png
              • Women.png
              • access_bundle.png
              • bmainproof.png
              • buy-button.png
              • cd.png
              • cheatsheet.png
              • checkedg.png
              • clounds.png
              • computer.png
              • download-button.png
              • ebook.png
              • fail.png
              • header_bg.png
              • image4.png
              • image5.png
              • key.png
              • logo.png
              • mindmap.png
              • mobile.png
              • money-back-guarantee.png
              • people.png
              • person.png
              • play.png
              • ppt.png
              • q.png
              • resources.png
              • rocket-man.png
              • rockets.png
              • tick-inside-circle.png
              • tired.png
              • video.png
              • voice cover.PNG
              • wrong.png
              • zero_result.png
            • img
              • b1.png
              • b2.png
              • b3.png
              • b4.png
              • b5.png
            • js
              • aq.js
              • bootstrap.min.js
              • jquery.easing.1.3.js
              • jquery.min.js
              • jquery.waypoints.min.js
              • main.js
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              • owl.carousel.min.js
              • respond.min.js
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                    • fontawesome-webfont.woff
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                • style.css
                • uikit.scrollspy.css
              • jsc
                • countdown.js
                • jquery.js
                • owlcarousel.js
                • scripts.js
                • uikit.scrollspy.js
              • Please-Read.txt
              • index.html
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                • _panels.scss
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              • _bootstrap-compass.scss
              • _bootstrap-mincer.scss
              • _bootstrap-sprockets.scss
              • bootstrap.scss
              • style.scss
            • disclaimer.html
            • index.html
            • privacy-policy.html
            • terms-and-conditions.html
          • Module6-SalesVideo
            • eCommerce Store PLR - FE.mp4
            • ecommerce_vsl_fe.mp4
          • Module7-LegalPages
            • css
              • normalize.css
              • style.css
            • images
              • divider.png
              • logo.png
            • disclaimer.html
            • privacy-policy.html
            • terms-and-conditions.html
          • Module8-Graphics
            • cheat sheet.png
            • ebook.png
            • logo.png
            • mindmap.png
            • resources.png
          • Module9-Articles
            • 1.How Contrast Can Drive Sales.txt
            • 2.How to Eliminate Risk for Your Customers.txt
            • 3.How to Find Products to Sell in Your Ecommerce Store.txt
            • 4.How to Get Your Customers to Trust You and Get Them to Put Down Their Money.txt
            • 5.How to Improve Customer Satisfaction for Your Ecommerce Store.txt
            • 6.How to Overcome Buyers.txt
            • 7.How to Photograph Your Products to Make Them Truly Desirable.txt
            • 8.How to Use POS to Sell More Products.txt
            • 9.How to Write Compelling Store Listings.txt
            • 10.Lessons From a Car Boot Sale That You Can Apply to Your Ecommerce Store.txt
          • desktop.ini
      See Progress of this product.
      Additional pages: Demo

      Unlock the Potential of eCommerce: Your Gateway to Online Success

      Are you ready to tap into the lucrative world of eCommerce? Whether you're a beginner with no online experience or an established business looking to boost profits, creating an eCommerce store is a powerful strategy to achieve your goals.

      eCommerce isn't just about selling ebooks from a landing page. It's about creating a full-fledged online shop that mimics the experience of a physical store. Think of Amazon - browse products, add them to your cart, and have them delivered right to your doorstep. The convenience is unmatched!

      With "Your eCommerce Store," you'll gain access to a comprehensive package designed to help you build and grow your online business. Here's what you'll receive:

      • Detailed Training Guide
      • Handy Cheat Sheet
      • Visual Mind Map
      • Valuable Resource Report
      • Professional Sales Letter and Thank You Page
      • Engaging Sales Video
      • Essential Legal Pages
      • Eye-catching Graphics and Banners
      • Informative Articles
      • Promotional Email Swipes
      • High-Quality Ecovers
      • Social Media Images Pack

      Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the world of eCommerce and carve out your slice of this multi-million dollar industry. "Your eCommerce Store" comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use the product but also sell it and keep 100% of the profits.


      • [YES] Can be sold
      • [YES] Can be used for personal use
      • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
      • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
      • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
      • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
      • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
      • [YES] Can be used to build a list
      • [YES] Can print/publish offline
      • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
      • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
      • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
      • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
      • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
      • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
      • [NO] Can be given away for free
      • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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