Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 10/07/2017
  • Size: 11.43 MB


  • Generators
  • Software & Scripts


    • Marketing & Promotion
      • Surveys

    Easy Survey Generator

    Price: 14.90

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      • EasySurveyGenerator
        • ESG_template
          • images
            • back.jpg
            • content_back.jpg
            • content_top.jpg
            • footer.jpg
            • header.jpg
          • index.htm
        • Graphics
          • Easy Survey Generator.jpg
          • Easy Survey Generator.png
        • Software
          • Code
            • easysurvey
              • admin
                • Question_maker
                  • _samples
                    • _plugins
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                      • sample02.asp
                      • sample03.asp
                      • sample04.asp
                      • sampleposteddata.asp
                    • cfm
                      • sample01.cfm
                      • sample02_mx.cfm
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                      • sample02.html
                      • sample03.html
                      • sample04.html
                      • sample05.html
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                      • sample08.html
                      • sample09.html
                      • sample10.html
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                      • sampleposteddata.html
                    • perl
                      • sample01.cgi
                      • sample02.cgi
                      • sample03.cgi
                      • sample04.cgi
                      • sampleposteddata.cgi
                    • php
                      • sample01.php
                      • sample02.php
                      • sample03.php
                      • sample04.php
                      • sampleposteddata.php
                    • default.html
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                    • sampleslist.html
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                    • 3.xml
                    • 4.xml
                    • 5.xml
                    • 6.xml
                    • 7.xml
                    • 8.xml
                    • 9.xml
                    • 10.xml
                    • 11.xml
                    • 12.xml
                    • 13.xml
                    • 14.xml
                    • 15.xml
                    • 16.xml
                    • 17.xml
                    • 18.xml
                    • 19.xml
                    • 20.xml
                    • 21.xml
                    • 22.xml
                    • 23.xml
                    • 24.xml
                    • 25.xml
                    • 26.xml
                    • 27.xml
                    • 28.xml
                    • 29.xml
                    • 30.xml
                    • 31.xml
                    • 32.xml
                    • 33.xml
                    • 34.xml
                  • editor
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                      • fck_template.html
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                    • filemanager
                      • browser
                        • default
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                            • php
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                              • commands.php
                              • config.php
                              • connector.php
                              • io.php
                              • util.php
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                              • 32
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                            • FolderOpened.gif
                            • FolderOpened32.gif
                            • FolderUp.gif
                            • spacer.gif
                          • js
                            • common.js
                            • fckxml.js
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                          • connectors
                            • php
                              • Auth
                                • Default.php
                              • Commands
                                • helpers
                                  • header.cgi
                                  • iconlookup.php
                                  • progress.cgi
                                  • upload.cgi
                                • CreateFolder.php
                                • DeleteFile.php
                                • DeleteFolder.php
                                • FileUpload.php
                                • GetFolders.php
                                • GetFoldersAndFiles.php
                                • GetUploadProgress.php
                                • RenameFile.php
                                • RenameFolder.php
                                • Thumbnail.php
                              • Docs
                                • AuthenticationHandlers.txt
                                • license.txt
                                • readme.txt
                              • dtd
                                • iso-lat1.ent
                              • images
                                • ascii.jpg
                                • binary.jpg
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                              • testme.php.suspended
                              • testme.php.suspended0000644
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                              • 32
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                            • ButtonArrow.gif
                            • Folder.gif
                            • Folder32.gif
                            • Folder96.jpg
                            • FolderOpened.gif
                            • FolderOpened32.gif
                            • FolderUp.gif
                            • close.gif
                            • delete.gif
                            • edit.gif
                            • editImage.gif
                            • spacer.gif
                          • js
                            • EditorContent.js
                            • common.js
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                            • wz_jsgraphics.js
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                          • frmimageeditor.html
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                          • frmresourcetype.html
                          • frmupload.html
                      • upload
                        • asp
                          • class_upload.asp
                          • config.asp
                          • io.asp
                          • upload.asp
                        • php
                          • config.php
                          • upload.php
                          • util.php
                        • test.html
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                      • anchor.gif
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                      • fck_startup.js
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                      • _translationstatus.txt
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                      • bs.js
                      • ca.js
                      • cs.js
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                      • de.js
                      • el.js
                      • en-au.js
                      • en-uk.js
                      • en.js
                      • eo.js
                      • es.js
                      • et.js
                      • eu.js
                      • fa.js
                      • fcklanguagemanager.js
                      • fi.js
                      • fr.js
                      • gl.js
                      • he.js
                      • hr.js
                      • hu.js
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                      • sv.js
                      • th.js
                      • tr.js
                      • uk.js
                      • zh-cn.js
                      • zh.js
                    • plugins
                    • This folder is empty
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                  • Sajax.php
                  • Sajax.php.bak
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                • lists.css
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                • pickColor.php
                • ques_sample.php
                • ques_sample.tpl
                • sajax.js
                • survey_features.php
                • survey_features.tpl
                • survey_logic.php
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                • survey_logo.tpl
                • survey_maker.php
                • survey_maker.tpl
                • survey_manager.php
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                • survey_option.php
                • survey_option.tpl
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                • survey_output.tpl
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                • survey_page_copy.tpl
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                • survey_results.tpl
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                • survey_results_others.tpl
                • survey_titles.php
                • survey_titles.tpl
                • temp_replace.php
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                • theme_editor.tpl
                • validate.js
              • viewer
                • img
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                • survey_results_others.php
                • survey_results_others.tpl
                • survey_viewer.php
                • survey_viewer.tpl
                • temp_replace.php
                • viwer.js
              • config.php
              • install.php
              • readme.htm
              • sql.txt
          • Release
            • easysurvey
              • admin
                • Question_maker
                  • _samples
                    • _plugins
                      • findreplace
                        • lang
                          • en.js
                          • it.js
                        • fckplugin.js
                        • find.gif
                        • find.html
                        • replace.gif
                        • replace.html
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                      • fck.afpa
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                      • sampleposteddata.afp
                    • asp
                      • sample01.asp
                      • sample02.asp
                      • sample03.asp
                      • sample04.asp
                      • sampleposteddata.asp
                    • cfm
                      • sample01.cfm
                      • sample02_mx.cfm
                    • html
                      • sample01.html
                      • sample02.html
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                      • sample05.html
                      • sample06.config.js
                      • sample06.html
                      • sample07.html
                      • sample08.html
                      • sample09.html
                      • sample10.html
                      • sampleposteddata.asp
                      • sampleposteddata.html
                    • perl
                      • sample01.cgi
                      • sample02.cgi
                      • sample03.cgi
                      • sample04.cgi
                      • sampleposteddata.cgi
                    • php
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                      • sample02.php
                      • sample03.php
                      • sample04.php
                      • sampleposteddata.php
                    • default.html
                    • sample.css
                    • sampleslist.html
                  • answers
                    • 1.xml
                    • 2.xml
                    • 3.xml
                    • 4.xml
                    • 5.xml
                    • 6.xml
                    • 7.xml
                    • 8.xml
                    • 9.xml
                    • 10.xml
                    • 11.xml
                    • 12.xml
                    • 13.xml
                    • 14.xml
                    • 15.xml
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                    • 17.xml
                    • 18.xml
                    • 19.xml
                    • 20.xml
                    • 21.xml
                    • 22.xml
                    • 23.xml
                    • 24.xml
                    • 25.xml
                    • 26.xml
                    • 27.xml
                    • 28.xml
                    • 29.xml
                    • 30.xml
                    • 31.xml
                    • 32.xml
                    • 33.xml
                    • 34.xml
                  • editor
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                        • fckspellcheckcommand_ie.js
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                • survey_features.php
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                • survey_logic.php
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                • survey_maker.tpl
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                • survey_option.tpl
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                • survey_output.tpl
                • survey_page.php
                • survey_page.tpl
                • survey_page_copy.php
                • survey_page_copy.tpl
                • survey_results.php
                • survey_results.tpl
                • survey_results_others.php
                • survey_results_others.tpl
                • survey_titles.php
                • survey_titles.tpl
                • temp_replace.php
                • theme_editor.php
                • theme_editor.tpl
                • validate.js
              • ioncube
              • This folder is empty
              • viewer
                • img
                  • base.gif
                  • dot2.gif
                  • empty.gif
                  • folder.gif
                  • folderopen.gif
                  • info.gif
                • blank.html
                • connection.php
                • functions.php
                • poster.php
                • render.php
                • survey_previewer.php
                • survey_results.php
                • survey_results.tpl
                • survey_results_others.php
                • survey_results_others.tpl
                • survey_viewer.php
                • survey_viewer.tpl
                • temp_replace.php
                • viwer.js
              • config.php
              • install.php
              • readme.htm
              • sql.txt
          • easy_survey_tutorial
            • easy_survey_tutorial.html
            • easy_survey_tutorial.swf
            • easy_survey_tutorial_config.xml
            • easy_survey_tutorial_controller.swf
          • easysurveycreatorcopy.htm
          • easysurveycreatorinstallationinstruction.pdf
          • easysurveyscreenshot.jpg
        • Website
          • images
            • back.jpg
            • content_back.jpg
            • content_top.jpg
            • easy_survey_generator.png
            • easysurveyscreenshot.jpg
            • footer.jpg
            • header.jpg
          • index.htm
        • EasySurveyGenerator.jpg
    See ESG template of this product.
    See Website of this product.
    Additional pages: Fck document preview
    Additional pages: Easysurveycreatorcopy
    Additional pages: Default, Sampleslist
    Additional pages: Drg example, Expand
    Additional pages: Readme
    Additional pages: Test
    Additional pages: Test
    Additional pages: Test
    Additional pages: Fck document preview
    Additional pages: Drg example, Expand
    Additional pages: Test
    Additional pages: Blank
    Additional pages: Readme
    Additional pages: Find, Replace
    Additional pages: Blank
    Additional pages: Find, Replace
    Additional pages: Easy survey tutorial
    Additional pages: Default, Sampleslist

    Easy Survey Generator: Unlock the Power of Customer Insights

    Boost your online business by understanding your audience's wants and needs with Easy Survey Generator. This powerful software allows you to create interactive surveys for your blog readers or web traffic, helping you gather valuable information to improve your conversion rates and increase profits.

    Easy Survey Generator makes creating surveys a breeze. Simply install the software, and you're ready to go. The hard work is already done for you, allowing you to focus on crafting the perfect questions for your audience.

    Key features of Easy Survey Generator:

    • Create unlimited surveys for repeated use
    • Add as many questions as you need, with no restrictions
    • Choose from various question types, including multiple-choice and open-ended
    • Collect unlimited responses from participants
    • Operate from your own server for complete control
    • Email all responses at once and add them to your mailing list
    • And much more!

    With Easy Survey Generator, you'll gain valuable insights into your prospects' minds, giving you a competitive edge in your market. Start making data-driven decisions and watch your online business thrive.

    This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to resell the software and keep 100% of the profits. Take advantage of this opportunity to offer a valuable tool to your customers while growing your own business.


    • [YES] Can be sold
    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
    • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [YES] Can be used to build a list
    • [YES] Can print/publish offline
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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    *You can close your account at any time!