Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Released: 05/06/2013
  • Size: 18.20 MB


  • Review sites
  • Templates & Themes


    6 Review Sites

    Price: 14.90

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      • 6PackReviewSites
        • REVIEWSITE-DietThemes_MRR
          • Diet Themes
            • Diet Theme Green
              • dietgreen
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                • search.php
                • sidebar.php
                • single.php
                • style.css
                • tag.php
              • plugin
                • admin-page.php
                • review.php
              • MRR-Terms.pdf
              • install.pdf
            • Diet Theme Yellow
              • Diet_Theme_Yellow
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                  • 3star.gif
                  • 4star.gif
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                • tag.php
              • plugin
                • admin-page.php
                • review.php
              • MRR-Terms.pdf
              • install.pdf
        • REVIEWSITE-EnergTheme_MRR
          • EnergyTheme
            • Energy_Theme
              • images
                • 2star.gif
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                • header2.png
                • headerbg.jpg
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                • top_button_normal.png
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              • scripts
                • utils.js
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              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page.php
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              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
              • tag.php
            • plugin
              • admin-page.php
              • review.php
            • MRR-Terms.pdf
            • install.pdf
        • REVIEWSITE-ForexThemeGreen_MRR
          • ForexThemeGreen
            • ForexGreen
              • images
                • 2star-blue.gif
                • 2star.gif
                • 3star-blue.gif
                • 3star.gif
                • 4star-blue.gif
                • 4star.gif
                • 5star-blue.gif
                • 5star.gif
                • Forex-Tracer.png
                • also_recommended_2.png
                • also_recommended_2_bottom.png
                • also_recommended_2_middle.png
                • also_recommended_3.png
                • also_recommended_foot.png
                • also_recommended_middle.png
                • also_reviewed.png
                • background.png
                • bodybg.gif
                • category.gif
                • clock.gif
                • comment.gif
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                • feed-icon-16x16.gif
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                • forex_killer_but.png
                • forex_killer_screenshot.png
                • forex_tracer_screenshot.png
                • forextracercover.jpg
                • forx_autopilot_home.png
                • header1.png
                • header2.png
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                • navbar.png
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                • top_head_test.png
                • top_pick_arrows.png
                • top_pick_bottom.png
                • top_pick_footer.png
                • top_pick_header.png
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                • visit_site_big_n.png
                • visit_site_small_h.png
                • visit_site_small_n.png
                • wrapperbg.gif
              • scripts
                • utils.js
              • 404.php
              • archive.php
              • category.php
              • comments.php
              • footer.php
              • functions.php
              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page.php
              • screenshot.png
              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
              • tag.php
            • plugin
              • admin-page.php
              • review.php
            • MRR-Terms.pdf
            • install.pdf
        • REVIEWSITE-GetExBackTheme_MRR
          • GetExBackTheme
            • GetExBack
              • images
                • 2star.gif
                • 3star.gif
                • 4star.gif
                • 5star.gif
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                • back_together_forever_screen.png
                • background.png
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                • dots.gif
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                • exgirlgriendguru.png
                • feed-icon-16x16.gif
                • footer.png
                • get_ex_back_h.png
                • get_ex_back_n.png
                • header1.png
                • header2.png
                • headerbg.jpg
                • just_under_bar.png
                • listbullet.gif
                • magic_of_making_up_screenshot.png
                • magicofmakingup.png
                • main_footer.png
                • main_middle.png
                • middle.png
                • nav_bar_yellow.png
                • navbar.png
                • pull_your_ex_back_screen.png
                • pullyourexback.png
                • spacer.png
                • superheaderbg.gif
                • top_pick_footer.png
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                • top_rated.png
                • visit_site_big_h.png
                • visit_site_big_n.png
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                • visit_small_n.png
                • wrapperbg.gif
              • scripts
                • utils.js
              • 404.php
              • archive.php
              • category.php
              • comments.php
              • footer.php
              • functions.php
              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page.php
              • screenshot.png
              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
              • tag.php
            • plugin
              • admin-page.php
              • review.php
            • MRR-Terms.pdf
        • REVIEWSITE-HostingTheme_MRR
          • HostingTheme
            • hosting
              • images
                • 2star.gif
                • 3star.gif
                • 4star.gif
                • 5star.gif
                • also_recommended_2.png
                • also_recommended_3.png
                • also_recommended_foot.png
                • also_recommended_middle.png
                • also_reviewed.png
                • background.png
                • bodybg.gif
                • category.gif
                • clock.gif
                • comment.gif
                • dots.gif
                • feed-icon-16x16.gif
                • header1.png
                • header2.png
                • headerbg.jpg
                • listbullet.gif
                • main_footer.png
                • main_middle.png
                • navbar.png
                • spacer.png
                • superheaderbg.gif
                • top_pick_footer.png
                • top_pick_header.png
                • top_pick_middle.png
                • wrapperbg.gif
              • scripts
                • utils.js
              • 404.php
              • archive.php
              • category.php
              • comments.php
              • footer.php
              • functions.php
              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page.php
              • screenshot.png
              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
              • tag.php
            • plugin
              • admin-page.php
              • review.php
            • MRR-Terms.pdf
            • install.pdf
        • REVIEWSITE-TattooTheme_MRR
          • TattooTheme
            • TattooTheme
              • images
                • 2star.gif
                • 3star.gif
                • 4star.gif
                • 5star.gif
                • also_recommended_2.png
                • also_recommended_3.png
                • also_recommended_foot.png
                • also_recommended_middle.png
                • also_reviewed.png
                • background.png
                • bodybg.gif
                • category.gif
                • chopper_tattoo.png
                • chopper_tattoo_screenshot.png
                • clock.gif
                • comment.gif
                • dots.gif
                • feed-icon-16x16.gif
                • footer.png
                • head_main_special.png
                • head_main_special_h.png
                • header1.png
                • header2.png
                • headerbg.jpg
                • just_under_bar.png
                • listbullet.gif
                • main_footer.png
                • main_middle.png
                • middle.png
                • navbar.png
                • reviews_foot.png
                • reviews_med.png
                • spacer.png
                • superheaderbg.gif
                • tattoo_fever.png
                • tattoo_fever_screenshot.png
                • tattoomenow.png
                • tattoomenow_screenshot.png
                • top_black_background.png
                • top_button_h.png
                • top_button_n.png
                • top_pick_footer.png
                • top_pick_header.png
                • top_pick_middle.png
                • visit_site_big_h.png
                • visit_site_big_ho.png
                • visit_site_h.png
                • visit_site_n.png
                • wrapperbg.gif
              • scripts
                • utils.js
              • 404.php
              • archive.php
              • category.php
              • comments.php
              • footer.php
              • functions.php
              • header.php
              • index.php
              • page.php
              • screenshot.png
              • search.php
              • sidebar.php
              • single.php
              • style.css
              • tag.php
            • plugin
              • admin-page.php
              • review.php
            • MRR-Terms.pdf
            • install.pdf

    6 Review Sites: Boost Your Online Presence and Earnings

    Looking to enhance your online business? Our 6 Review Sites package offers a powerful solution for those seeking to capitalize on the high-converting nature of review websites. These WordPress-based sites are designed for easy installation and quick setup, allowing you to start profiting from top-selling niches in no time.

    With our 6 Review Sites, you'll benefit from:

    • Simple installation process
    • WordPress-based platform for user-friendly management
    • Focus on high-converting review content
    • Sites tailored for top-selling niches
    • Potential for increased earnings and online success

    Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these review sites provide an excellent opportunity to expand your online presence and boost your income. The package includes everything you need to get started quickly and efficiently.

    This product comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to not only use the 6 Review Sites for your own business but also resell them to others, creating an additional revenue stream.


    • [YES] Can be sold
    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
    • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [YES] Can be used to build a list
    • [YES] Can print/publish offline
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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    *You can close your account at any time!