Product info

  • License: Private Label Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR, PLR
  • Released: 09/08/2014
  • Size: 213.73 MB


  • Videos, Tutorials & Courses


    • Website Traffic
    • Marketing & Promotion
      • Hashtag Marketing
      • Social Medias & Networking

        Rapid HashTag Traffic

        Price: 14.90

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        • /
          • RapidHashTagTraffic_plr
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              • 03RHT-CreateHashTags.mp3
              • 04RHT-ResearchHashTags.mp3
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              • 06RHT-Twitter.mp3
              • 07-RHT-facebook.mp3
              • 08-RHT-SpeedUp.mp3
              • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking.mp3
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            • Videos-1280x720
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              • 02RHT-BusinessPrep-1280x720.mp4
              • 03RHT-CreateHashTags-1280x720.mp4
              • 04RHT-ResearchHashTags-1280x720.mp4
              • 05RHT-RelatedHashTags-1280x720.mp4
              • 06RHT-Twitter-1280x720.mp4
              • 07-RHT-facebook-1280x720.mp4
              • 08-RHT-SpeedUp-1280x720.mp4
              • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking-1280x720.mp4
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                • 04RHT-ResearchHashTags_controller.swf
                • 04RHT-ResearchHashTags_embed.css
                • 04RHT-ResearchHashTags_player.html
              • 05RHT-RelatedHashTags
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                • 05RHT-RelatedHashTags_config.xml
                • 05RHT-RelatedHashTags_controller.swf
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                • 05RHT-RelatedHashTags_player.html
              • 06RHT-Twitter
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                • 07-RHT-facebook_player.html
              • 08-RHT-SpeedUp
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                • skins
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                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp.html
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp.mp4
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp_First_Frame.png
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp_config.xml
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp_controller.swf
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp_embed.css
                • 08-RHT-SpeedUp_player.html
              • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking
                • scripts
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                  • jquery-ui-1.8.15.custom.min.js
                  • modernizr.js
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                • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking.html
                • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking.mp4
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                • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking_controller.swf
                • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking_embed.css
                • 09-RHT-HashTagTracking_player.html
            • desktop.ini
        See Video With Salesletter of this product. Additional pages: RHT SalesVideo, RHT SalesVideo player
        See HTML of this product. Additional pages: Thankyou

        Rapid HashTag Traffic: Unlock the Power of Social Media Marketing

        Discover how to generate highly-targeted Twitter and Facebook traffic using hashtags, even if you're new to social media marketing. Twitter and Facebook are rapidly growing platforms that offer immense potential for building awareness about you and your business.

        Social media's constant growth makes it easier than ever to join conversations and connect with your audience. However, it's crucial to remember that hard-selling can backfire. The key is to have fun and ensure those engaging with you are enjoying the interaction too.

        Hashtags are a powerful feature supported by many social media platforms. On Twitter, for example, hashtags make tweets more searchable by placing a # sign in front of keywords or phrases. By tapping into trending hashtags, you can significantly increase your reach and visibility.

        The amount of traffic you generate depends on how engaging your content is and how well it relates to the chosen hashtag. Selecting the right hashtags can make the difference between attracting targeted and non-targeted traffic.

        This comprehensive 9-part video series covers:

        • Introduction to Hashtags
        • Using Hashtags for Your Business
        • Creating Hashtags - The Basics
        • Researching Trending Hashtags
        • Finding Related Hashtags
        • Hashtags on Twitter
        • Hashtags on Facebook
        • Tools to Detect Hashtag Strength
        • Tracking Hashtag Impact

        Rapid HashTag Traffic comes with Private Label Rights, allowing you to use, modify, and distribute the content as your own. Start leveraging the power of hashtags to boost your social media presence today!


        • [YES] Can be sold
        • [YES] Can be used for personal use
        • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
        • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
        • [YES] Can modify/change the main product
        • [YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
        • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
        • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
        • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
        • [YES] Can be used to build a list
        • [YES] Can print/publish offline
        • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
        • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
        • [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
        • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
        • [NO] Can be given away for free
        • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
        • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights

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