Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 07/02/2014
  • Size: 15.89 MB


  • Themes
  • WP themes
  • Templates & Themes
    • Wordpress


      • Business & Making Money
        • Business

      Six Local Business Wordpress Themes

      Price: 9.90

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        • 6LocalBizWPThemes_pdev
          • Documentation
            • Activation code.txt
            • Manual.pdf
          • Six Themes
            • 1. Business Consultant
            • 2. Mobile Consultant
              • PSD
                • banner.jpg
                • banner.psd
              • local-lead-theme-mobileconsultant
                • admin
                  • css
                    • colorpicker.css
                    • jPicker-sub.css
                    • jPicker.css
                  • images
                    • AlphaBar.png
                    • Bars.png
                    • Maps.png
                    • NoColor.png
                    • Thumbs.db
                    • bar-opacity.png
                    • blank.gif
                    • broadcast.png
                    • icon.png
                    • map-opacity.png
                    • mappoint.gif
                    • nicEditorIcons.gif
                    • picker.gif
                    • preview-opacity.png
                    • rangearrows.gif
                  • js
                    • tiny_mce
                      • langs
                        • en.js
                      • plugins
                        • advhr
                          • css
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                          • js
                            • rule.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • rule.htm
                        • advimage
                          • css
                            • advimage.css
                          • img
                            • sample.gif
                          • js
                            • image.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • image.htm
                        • advlink
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                            • advlink.css
                          • js
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                          • langs
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                        • contextmenu
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • directionality
                          • editor_plugin.js
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                        • emotions
                          • img
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                            • smiley-cry.gif
                            • smiley-embarassed.gif
                            • smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif
                            • smiley-frown.gif
                            • smiley-innocent.gif
                            • smiley-kiss.gif
                            • smiley-laughing.gif
                            • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                            • smiley-sealed.gif
                            • smiley-smile.gif
                            • smiley-surprised.gif
                            • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                            • smiley-undecided.gif
                            • smiley-wink.gif
                            • smiley-yell.gif
                          • js
                            • emotions.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • emotions.htm
                        • example
                          • img
                            • example.gif
                          • js
                            • dialog.js
                          • langs
                            • en.js
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • dialog.htm
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • fullpage
                          • css
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                          • js
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • fullpage.htm
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • fullscreen.htm
                        • iespell
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
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                          • skins
                            • clearlooks2
                              • img
                                • alert.gif
                                • button.gif
                                • buttons.gif
                                • confirm.gif
                                • corners.gif
                                • horizontal.gif
                                • vertical.gif
                              • window.css
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • template.htm
                        • insertdatetime
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • layer
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • legacyoutput
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • media
                          • css
                            • content.css
                            • media.css
                          • img
                            • flash.gif
                            • flv_player.swf
                            • quicktime.gif
                            • realmedia.gif
                            • shockwave.gif
                            • trans.gif
                            • windowsmedia.gif
                          • js
                            • embed.js
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                          • langs
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                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • media.htm
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                        • paste
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                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • pastetext.htm
                          • pasteword.htm
                        • preview
                          • jscripts
                            • embed.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • example.html
                          • preview.html
                        • print
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • save
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • searchreplace
                          • css
                            • searchreplace.css
                          • js
                            • searchreplace.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • searchreplace.htm
                        • spellchecker
                          • css
                            • content.css
                          • img
                            • wline.gif
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • style
                          • css
                            • props.css
                          • js
                            • props.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • props.htm
                        • tabfocus
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • table
                          • css
                            • cell.css
                            • row.css
                            • table.css
                          • js
                            • cell.js
                            • merge_cells.js
                            • row.js
                            • table.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • cell.htm
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • merge_cells.htm
                          • row.htm
                          • table.htm
                        • template
                          • css
                            • template.css
                          • js
                            • template.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • blank.htm
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • template.htm
                        • visualchars
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • wordcount
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                        • xhtmlxtras
                          • css
                            • attributes.css
                            • popup.css
                          • js
                            • abbr.js
                            • acronym.js
                            • attributes.js
                            • cite.js
                            • del.js
                            • element_common.js
                            • ins.js
                          • langs
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • abbr.htm
                          • acronym.htm
                          • attributes.htm
                          • cite.htm
                          • del.htm
                          • editor_plugin.js
                          • editor_plugin_src.js
                          • ins.htm
                      • themes
                        • advanced
                          • img
                            • colorpicker.jpg
                            • icons.gif
                          • js
                            • about.js
                            • anchor.js
                            • charmap.js
                            • color_picker.js
                            • image.js
                            • link.js
                            • source_editor.js
                          • langs
                            • en.js
                            • en_dlg.js
                          • skins
                            • default
                              • img
                                • buttons.png
                                • items.gif
                                • menu_arrow.gif
                                • menu_check.gif
                                • progress.gif
                                • tabs.gif
                              • content.css
                              • dialog.css
                              • ui.css
                            • o2k7
                              • img
                                • button_bg.png
                                • button_bg_black.png
                                • button_bg_silver.png
                              • content.css
                              • dialog.css
                              • ui.css
                              • ui_black.css
                              • ui_silver.css
                          • about.htm
                          • anchor.htm
                          • charmap.htm
                          • color_picker.htm
                          • editor_template.js
                          • editor_template_src.js
                          • image.htm
                          • link.htm
                          • source_editor.htm
                        • simple
                          • img
                            • icons.gif
                          • langs
                            • en.js
                          • skins
                            • default
                              • content.css
                              • ui.css
                            • o2k7
                              • img
                                • button_bg.png
                              • content.css
                              • ui.css
                          • editor_template.js
                          • editor_template_src.js
                      • utils
                        • editable_selects.js
                        • form_utils.js
                        • mctabs.js
                        • validate.js
                      • jquery.tinymce.js
                      • license.txt
                      • tiny_mce.js
                      • tiny_mce_popup.js
                      • tiny_mce_src.js
                    • colorpicker.js
                    • eye.js
                    • jpicker.js
                    • nicEdit.js
                    • script.js
                    • script.php
                    • utils.js
                  • customcss.php
                  • functions.php
                  • index.php
                  • layout-app.php
                  • layout.php
                  • metabox.php
                  • nextgen.php
                  • setting.php
                  • shortcodes.php
                  • slider.php
                  • taxmeta.class.php
                  • user.php
                  • widgets.php
                • content
                  • avatar.jpg
                  • ft_img1.jpg
                  • ft_img2.jpg
                  • ft_img3.jpg
                  • image1.jpg
                  • image4.jpg
                  • p_img1.jpg
                  • p_img2.jpg
                  • p_img3.jpg
                  • p_img4.jpg
                  • slide1.jpg
                  • slide2.jpg
                  • slide3.jpg
                • css
                  • superfish.css
                • functions
                  • breadcrumbs.php
                  • eu-functions.php
                  • googlemap_widget.php
                  • logo.php
                  • menu.php
                  • metabox.php
                  • paging.php
                  • pos-on.php
                • images
                  • 404.jpg
                  • arrow-icon.png
                  • arrows.png
                  • author-image.png
                  • author.png
                  • banner.jpg
                  • bg.png
                  • bg_contact.jpg
                  • bg_form.jpg
                  • bg_head.png
                  • bg_search.png
                  • bg_top.jpg
                  • btn-bg1.png
                  • comment-point.png
                  • darkdots.png
                  • darkdotsf.gif
                  • darkdotsv.png
                  • dot.png
                  • dots.png
                  • icon1.png
                  • icon2.png
                  • icon3.png
                  • icon4.png
                  • icon5.png
                  • icon6.png
                  • list1.png
                  • list2.png
                  • list3.png
                  • list4.png
                  • loader.gif
                  • loading.gif
                  • lock-icon.png
                  • logo.png
                  • mail-icon.png
                  • minus.png
                  • msg_default.png
                  • msg_fail.png
                  • msg_notice.png
                  • msg_success.png
                  • pat.gif
                  • phone-icon.png
                  • plus.png
                  • search.png
                  • shd_l.jpg
                  • shd_r.jpg
                  • slide-arrows.png
                  • tagbottom.png
                  • testimonial-speech.png
                • js
                  • jquery.validate.js
                  • scripts.js
                  • selectivizr-min.js
                  • superfish.js
                • scripts
                  • imagecache
                  • image.php
                • widget
                  • content_top.php
                  • featured_middle.php
                  • quote.php
                • 404.php
                • archive.php
                • archives.php
                • category.php
                • comment_form.php
                • comments.php
                • contact-form.php
                • content-loop.php
                • footer.php
                • functions.php
                • header.php
                • index.php
                • page-1-colom.php
                • page.php
                • screenshot.png
                • search.php
                • send.php
                • sidebar.php
                • single.php
                • style.css
                • style.php
                • tag.php
            • 3. Restaurant
            • 4. Painting
            • 5. Carpet Cleaner
            • 6. Carpenter
          • eCovers
            • eCover.jpg
            • eCover450.jpg
          • desktop.ini
      Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
      Additional pages: Props
      Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
      Additional pages: Media
      Additional pages: Searchreplace
      Additional pages: Fullscreen
      Additional pages: Template
      Additional pages: Fullpage
      Additional pages: Emotions
      Additional pages: Link
      Additional pages: Image
      Additional pages: Rule

      Six Local Business WordPress Themes with Built-in Lead Capture

      Introducing Local Lead Theme, a collection of six new and impressive business themes for WordPress. Each theme comes with an integrated lead capture system, allowing you to set up custom contact forms and capture leads directly from the homepage. This feature makes it easier than ever to connect with potential clients and grow your business.

      These themes are designed with local businesses in mind, providing all the essential elements a professional website needs. What sets Local Lead Theme apart is its user-friendly configuration, making it accessible even for those with limited technical expertise.

      Key Features:

      • Six different niche-specific designs
      • Includes Local Lead Theme V2
      • Tools to build powerful sales pages
      • User-friendly admin panel
      • Eye-catching video/slider options
      • Featured content sections
      • And many more useful features

      With Six Local Business WordPress Themes, you'll have everything you need to create a stunning and effective online presence for your local business. These themes come with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to use them for your own business website.


      • [YES] Can be used for personal use
      • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
      • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
      • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
      • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
      • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
      • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
      • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
      • [NO] Can be used to build a list
      • [NO] Can print/publish offline
      • [NO] Can be given away for free
      • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
      • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
      • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
      • [NO] Can be sold

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      *You can close your account at any time!