Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 11/07/2013
  • Size: 15.64 MB


  • Templates & Themes


    • Golf

    Golf Blog

    Price: 14.90

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      • GolfBlog
        • Golf Blog
          • ! READ-ME-FIRST
            • Stand Alone Theme and Plugins
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                    • updater.php
                • history.txt
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              • Instructions For Using The Stand Alone Theme.txt
            • Documentation - Important.pdf
            • READ-ME-FIRST.txt
            • This series include 10 blogs - yes, UM will add them all.jpg
          • 25 Golf PLR Articles
            • 25 Golf PLR Articles
              • Are-Golf-Shoes-Essential-to-Play-Golf.txt
              • Beginners-Golfing-Tips.txt
              • Beginners-Guide-to-Putting.txt
              • Best-Exercise-Tips-for-Golfers.txt
              • Best-Present-for-Golfers.txt
              • Can-You-Learn-Golf-From-A-Book.txt
              • Choosing-the-Right-Clubs.txt
              • Combining-Golf-and-the-Internet-Successfully.txt
              • Common-Golf-Injuries.txt
              • Explanation-of-Popular-Golf-Terms.txt
              • Golf-Tips-for-Winter.txt
              • Hold-the-Caddy.txt
              • How-to-Incorporate-Golf-into-Your-Life.txt
              • Importance-of-a-Good-Golf-Swing.txt
              • Improving-Your-Backswing-Effectively.txt
              • Improving-Your-Handicap.txt
              • Is-Golf-a-Good-Form-of-Exercise.txt
              • Kids-and-Golf-Good-Sport-of-a-Mistake.txt
              • Picking-the-Appropriate-Golf-Instructor-for-Children.txt
              • Should-You-Take-Golf-Lessons.txt
              • The-Correct-Golf-Attire.txt
              • The-Perfect-Vacation-Golf-Courses-and-More.txt
              • Tips-for-Buying-a-Golf-Cart.txt
              • Tips-to-Selecting-a-Good-Golf-Instructor.txt
              • Turning-Your-Golf-Hobby-into-a-Job.txt
          • importbuddy.php

    Golf Blog: Your Gateway to the Golfing World

    Dive into the world of golf with our ready-to-use WordPress blog. This professionally designed platform comes packed with features to help you share your passion for the sport and engage with fellow golf enthusiasts.

    Our Golf Blog offers:

    • SEO-optimized content to boost your visibility
    • Pre-installed monetization options for potential earnings
    • High-quality articles covering various golfing topics
    • Royalty-free photos to enhance your posts
    • Sleek and user-friendly WordPress design

    Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, this blog provides the perfect foundation to share tips, discuss equipment, review courses, and connect with the golfing community.

    This Golf Blog comes with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to use and modify the content for your personal projects. Start your golfing journey online today!


    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
    • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [NO] Can be used to build a list
    • [NO] Can print/publish offline
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
    • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can be sold

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