Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 20/03/2016
  • Size: 50.30 MB


  • Templates & Themes


    • Niche

    Comedy Niche Site Pack

    Price: 14.90

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    • /
      • ComedyNicheBlog_p
        • Covers
          • Comedy Niche Blog.jpg
          • Comedy Niche Blog.png
        • Read Me First!
          • Documentation - BE SURE TO READ!
            • images
              • more-coming-soon.jpg
              • plrblogs-281-290.jpg
              • signup.jpg
              • wso-1-10.jpg
              • wso-11-20.jpg
              • wso-21-30.jpg
              • wso-31-40.jpg
              • wso-41-50.jpg
              • wso-51-60.jpg
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              • wso-121-130.jpg
              • wso-131-140.jpg
              • wso-141-150.jpg
              • wso-151-160.jpg
              • wso-161-170.jpg
              • wso-171-180.jpg
              • wso-181-190.jpg
              • wso-191-200.jpg
              • wso-201-210.jpg
              • wso-211-220.jpg
              • wso-221-230.jpg
              • wso-231-240.jpg
              • wso-241-250.jpg
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              • wso-261-270.jpg
              • wso-271-280.jpg
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              • Droid_Sans_700.font.js
              • cufon-yui.js
              • pngfix.js
            • documentation.html
            • style.css
          • Login Details For The Blogs
            • LOGIN INFO FOR PLR BLOGS 281-290.txt
          • PSDs and Images
            • Banners - GIMP friendly PSDs
              • 125x125-banner.psd
              • 300x250-banner.psd
              • 468x60-banner.psd
            • Banners - Photoshop PSDs
              • 125x125-banner.psd
              • 300x250-banner.psd
              • 468x60-banner.psd
            • screenshot.png
            • screenshot.psd
          • RIGHTS - BE SURE TO READ!
            • License.pdf
          • Stand Alone Theme and Plugins
            • Plugins To Include
            • Stand Alone Theme
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                    • woo-icon.png
                  • js
                    • shortcode-generator
                      • js
                        • column-control.js
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                        • tab-control.js
                      • shortcodes
                        • abbr.js
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                        • fbshare.js
                        • google_plusone.js
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                        • linkedin_share.js
                        • ordered_list.js
                        • quote.js
                        • related.js
                        • social_icon.js
                        • tab.js
                        • toggle.js
                        • tweetmeme.js
                        • twitter.js
                        • twitter_follow.js
                        • typography.js
                        • unordered_list.js
                      • dialog.php
                      • editor_plugin.js
                      • preview-shortcode-external.php
                    • ajaxupload.js
                    • colorpicker.js
                    • custom_menu_dynamic_items.js
                    • custom_menu_initial_items.js
                    • jquery.autocomplete.js
                    • jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js
                    • nicEdit.js
                    • php.js
                    • pngfix.js
                    • shortcodes.js
                    • tumblog-ajax.js
                    • ui.datepicker.js
                    • woo-medialibrary-uploader.js
                    • woo-scripts.js
                    • woo-typography-preview.js
                  • admin-custom-nav.php
                  • admin-custom.php
                  • admin-express-functions-deprecated.php
                  • admin-express-functions.php
                  • admin-framework-settings.php
                  • admin-functions.php
                  • admin-hooks.php
                  • admin-init.php
                  • admin-interface.php
                  • admin-medialibrary-uploader.php
                  • admin-sbm.php
                  • admin-seo.php
                  • admin-setup.php
                  • admin-shortcode-generator.php
                  • admin-shortcodes.php
                  • admin-style.css
                  • admin-theme-page.php
                  • admin-tumblog-quickpress.php
                  • functions-changelog.txt
                  • thumb.php
                • images
                  • 1-star.png
                  • 2-stars.png
                  • 3-stars.png
                  • 4-stars.png
                  • 5-stars.png
                  • banner-date-left.png
                  • banner-date-right.png
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                  • bevel-footer-widgets.png
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                  • ico-comment.png
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                  • old-bg-top.jpg
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                  • woothemes.png
                • includes
                  • js
                    • Liberation.font.js
                    • cufon-yui.js
                    • jquery.easing.min.js
                    • loopedSlider.js
                    • menu.js
                    • pngfix.js
                    • superfish.js
                    • woo_tabs.js
                  • class-custom-theme-updater.php
                  • featured-video.php
                  • featured.php
                  • page-nav.php
                  • sidebar-init.php
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                  • theme-functions.php
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                  • theme-options.php
                  • theme-widgets.php
                  • update.php
                • js
                  • images
                    • arrows.png
                    • bullets.png
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                    • loading.gif
                    • slider.png
                  • custom-nivo-slider.css
                  • jquery.nivo.slider.js
                  • jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js
                  • nivo-slider.css
                  • nivo.js
                • lang
                  • headlines.po
                • styles
                  • berry
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • blueberry
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • blueline
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • chocoberry
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • cottoncandy
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • countryside
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • fruitella
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • greenline
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • greyorange
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • orangeline
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • orangina
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • pomegranate
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • purple
                  • This folder is empty
                  • purplehaze
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redhotchilipepper
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redrock
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • redslate
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • salsa
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • skylight
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • springtime
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • tequilasun
                    • bg-top.jpg
                  • berry.css
                  • blueberry.css
                  • blueline.css
                  • chocoberry.css
                  • cottoncandy.css
                  • countryside.css
                  • default.css
                  • fruitella.css
                  • greenline.css
                  • greyorange.css
                  • orangeline.css
                  • orangina.css
                  • pomegranate.css
                  • purplehaze.css
                  • redhotchilipepper.css
                  • redrock.css
                  • redslate.css
                  • salsa.css
                  • skylight.css
                  • springtime.css
                  • tequilasun.css
                • 404.php
                • archive.php
                • changelog.txt
                • comments-legacy.php
                • comments.php
                • custom.css
                • footer-blog.php
                • footer-custom.php
                • footer-no-footer.php
                • footer.php
                • functions.php
                • header-no-header.php
                • header.php
                • index.php
                • license.txt
                • page.php
                • sales-page-no-header.php
                • screenshot.png
                • search-form.php
                • search.php
                • sidebar-top-column.php
                • sidebar.php
                • single-review.php
                • single.php
                • style.css
                • template-archives.php
                • template-contact.php
                • template-fullwidth.php
                • template-imagegallery.php
                • template-redirect.php
                • template-sitemap.php
                • thumb.php
            • Theme And Plugin Info.txt
          • READ-ME-FIRST-281-290.txt
        • 10 ARTICLES ON
        • desktop.ini
        • importbuddy.php
        • wptwin-Comedy_And_Joke-2013-12-13-155705.wpt
    Additional pages: Documentation

    Comedy Niche Site Pack: Your Gateway to Online Success

    Starting an online business can be challenging, especially when it comes to creating a website. Many aspiring entrepreneurs face this hurdle and often resort to hiring expensive developers, which can be risky and costly.

    The Comedy Niche Site Pack offers a solution to this common problem. This comprehensive bundle provides you with all the necessary tools and resources to build a profitable niche website focused on comedy. With this pack, you can quickly set up your online presence and start attracting visitors.

    Here's what you'll find in the Comedy Niche Site Pack:

    • Ready-to-use website templates
    • Engaging comedy-related content
    • SEO-optimized articles and media
    • Tools for lead generation and visitor engagement
    • Marketing strategies tailored for the comedy niche

    By using this done-for-you package, you can bypass the steep learning curve and financial risks associated with building a website from scratch. The Comedy Niche Site Pack empowers you to launch your online business quickly and efficiently, putting you on the path to generating income through your comedy-focused website.

    This product comes with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to use all the included materials for your own website and online business ventures.


    • [YES] Can be used for personal use
    • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
    • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
    • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
    • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
    • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
    • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
    • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
    • [NO] Can be used to build a list
    • [NO] Can print/publish offline
    • [NO] Can be given away for free
    • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
    • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
    • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
    • [NO] Can be sold

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