Product info

  • License: Personal Use Rights
  • Terms: PU
  • Released: 26/06/2014
  • Size: 39.49 MB


  • Themes
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      • Wordpress


        BEJJO Multipurpose WordPress Theme

        Price: 14.90

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          • BEJJOWPTheme_pdev
            • Theme
              • bejjo
                • ace
                  • ace
                    • ace.js
                    • mode-css.js
                    • worker-css.js
                  • custom-css.js
                • admin
                  • css
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                        • toolbarbg.png
                      • bootstrap.css
                      • content.css
                      • dialog.css
                      • ui.css
                    • admin.css
                    • colorpicker.css
                    • jPicker-sub.css
                    • jPicker.css
                  • images
                    • AlphaBar.png
                    • Bars.png
                    • Maps.png
                    • NoColor.png
                    • Thumbs.db
                    • bar-opacity.png
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                    • broadcast.png
                    • icon.png
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                  • js
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                      • langs
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                      • plugins
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                            • smiley-frown.gif
                            • smiley-innocent.gif
                            • smiley-kiss.gif
                            • smiley-laughing.gif
                            • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                            • smiley-sealed.gif
                            • smiley-smile.gif
                            • smiley-surprised.gif
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                            • smiley-yell.gif
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                    • script.js
                    • script.php
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                  • customcss.php
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                  • nextgen.php
                  • setting.php
                  • shortcodes.php
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                  • taxmeta.class.php
                  • user.php
                  • widgets.php
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                  • ft_img4.png
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                      • prev-horizontal.gif
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                      • next-vertical.png
                      • prev-horizontal.png
                      • prev-vertical.png
                      • skin.css
                  • widget
                    • accordion.css
                    • recent_post.css
                    • social.css
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                  • pricetable.css
                  • responsive-nav.css
                  • responsive.css
                  • superfish.css
                  • twitter.css
                • fonts
                  • BebasNeue-webfont.eot
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                  • BebasNeue-webfont.ttf
                  • BebasNeue-webfont.woff
                  • flexslider-icon.eot
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                  • js
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                    • jquery.timePicker.min.js
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                      • welcome.css
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                      • jquery-1.4.4.min.js
                      • placeholder.jquery.js
                    • tpl
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                      • welcome.php
                    • pricetable.php
                  • twitter
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                      • tmhUtilities.php
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                  • slider.php
                  • style.css
                  • tab-widget.php
                  • testimonial.php
                  • video.php
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                  • search.png
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                  • tr.png
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                  • video
                    • font
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                    • video-js.css
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                    • video-js.swf
                    • video.js
                  • contact.js
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                      • ui-icons_888888_256x240.png
                      • ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png
                    • js
                      • cmb.js
                      • jquery.timePicker.min.js
                    • functions.php
                    • init.php
                    • style.css
                • scripts
                  • imagecache
                  • image.php
                • widget
                  • accordion.php
                  • carousel_logo.php
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                  • letter.php
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                  • recent-post.php
                  • slider.php
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                  • testimonial.php
                  • top-center.php
                  • top.php
                • 404.php
                • archive.php
                • archives.php
                • category.php
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                • comments.php
                • content-home.php
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                • content-home3.php
                • content-home4.php
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                • page.php
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                • screenshot.png
                • search.php
                • send.php
                • sidebar.php
                • single.php
                • style.css
                • style.php
                • tag.php
            • Tutorial
              • HTML Tutorial
                • css
                  • font
                    • FontAwesome.otf
                    • fontawesome-webfont.eot
                    • fontawesome-webfont.svg
                    • fontawesome-webfont.ttf
                    • fontawesome-webfont.woff
                  • images
                    • ie9
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                    • overlay.png
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                  • ie9.css
                  • skel-noscript.css
                  • style-mobile.css
                  • style-narrow.css
                  • style-narrower.css
                  • style-normal.css
                  • style-wide.css
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                    • 1.jpg
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                    • 9.jpg
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                    • 9b.jpg
                    • 9c.jpg
                    • 10.jpg
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                  • pic03.jpg
                  • pic04.jpg
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                  • pic07.jpg
                  • pic08.jpg
                  • top.jpg
                • js
                  • html5shiv.js
                  • init.js
                  • jquery.min.js
                  • skel-panels.min.js
                  • skel.min.js
                • index.html
              • Video Tutorial
                • 1. how to install bejjo theme
                  • 1. how to install bejjo theme.html
                  • 1. how to install bejjo theme.mp4
                  • 1. how to install bejjo theme_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 2. generall settings
                  • 2. generall settings.html
                  • 2. generall settings.mp4
                  • 2. generall settings_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 3. Header settings
                  • 3. Header settings.html
                  • 3. Header settings.mp4
                  • 3. Header settings_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 4. featured top
                  • 4. featured top.html
                  • 4. featured top.mp4
                  • 4. featured top_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 5. optional info
                  • 5. optional info.html
                  • 5. optional info.mp4
                  • 5. optional info_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 6. Other Features - Portfolio
                  • 6. Other Features - Portfolio.html
                  • 6. Other Features - Portfolio.mp4
                  • 6. Other Features - Portfolio_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 6. Other Features - Pricing Table
                  • 6. Other Features - Pricing Table.html
                  • 6. Other Features - Pricing Table.mp4
                  • 6. Other Features - Pricing Table_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 6. Other Features - Quotes Slider, Google Map, and Tagline
                  • 6. Other Features Quotes Slider, Google Map, and Tagline.html
                  • 6. Other Features Quotes Slider, Google Map, and Tagline.mp4
                  • 6. Other Features Quotes Slider, Google Map, and Tagline_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 6. Other Features - Setting up option box
                  • 6. Other Features - Setting up option box.html
                  • 6. Other Features - Setting up option box.mp4
                  • 6. Other Features - Setting up option box_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 6. Other Features - Accordion , Testimonial , Clients
                  • 6. Other Features Accordion , Testimonial , Clients.html
                  • 6. Other Features Accordion , Testimonial , Clients.mp4
                  • 6. Other Features Accordion , Testimonial , Clients_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 7. Social Link
                  • 7. Social Link.html
                  • 7. Social Link.mp4
                  • 7. Social Link_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
                • 8. Contact Us widget
                  • 8. Contact Us widget.html
                  • 8. Contact Us widget.mp4
                  • 8. Contact Us widget_controller.swf
                  • FirstFrame.png
                  • expressInstall.swf
                  • swfobject.js
            • eCovers
              • eCover.jpg
              • eCover450.jpg
            • desktop.ini
        See HTML Tutorial of this product.
        Additional pages: 2. generall settings
        Additional pages: 1. how to install bejjo theme
        Additional pages: Image
        Additional pages: 7. Social Link
        Additional pages: 5. optional info
        Additional pages: Searchreplace
        Additional pages: Media
        Additional pages: Template
        Additional pages: Fullscreen
        Additional pages: Fullpage
        Additional pages: Emotions
        Additional pages: Link
        Additional pages: 3. Header settings
        Additional pages: 4. featured top
        Additional pages: Props
        Additional pages: 6. Other Features Portfolio
        Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
        Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
        Additional pages: 8. Contact Us widget
        Additional pages: Rule

        BEJJO Multipurpose WordPress Theme: Your Gateway to Professional Website Design

        Building a professional, clean, and flexible website has never been easier with the BEJJO Multipurpose WordPress Theme. This powerful tool is designed to help non-technical entrepreneurs create their dream websites without the usual struggles.

        Many people find it challenging to build a professional-looking website, but BEJJO changes that. It provides an intuitive platform that simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on your content and business goals.

        The BEJJO Multipurpose WordPress Theme offers a range of features to enhance your website:

        • Flat, simple, and clean design
        • Responsive layout for all devices
        • Powerful theme options for customization
        • Unlimited color choices
        • Pricing table functionality
        • Two header styles and navigation options
        • Flexible slider for engaging visuals
        • Contact form integration
        • Portfolio slider to showcase your work
        • Client logo section for credibility
        • Custom mobile site optimization
        • Custom CSS capabilities

        To help you get started, BEJJO includes video and HTML tutorials. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, you'll be able to create a website that truly represents your brand.

        Please note that this product comes with Personal Use Rights. This means you can use the BEJJO Multipurpose WordPress Theme for your own website projects but cannot resell or redistribute it.


        • [YES] Can be used for personal use
        • [NO] Can be packaged with other products
        • [NO] Can modify/change the sales letter
        • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
        • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
        • [NO] Can be added into paid membership websites
        • [NO] Can put your name on the sales letter
        • [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
        • [NO] Can be used to build a list
        • [NO] Can print/publish offline
        • [NO] Can be given away for free
        • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
        • [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
        • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
        • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
        • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
        • [NO] Can be translated to other languages
        • [NO] Can be sold

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